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Beautiful Revenge

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 995    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Mo

elped me to get into the yacht and it was

l tomorrow." He said and I turned to him smiling. I walke

y to my revenge. Today is my 25th birthday and I

see Alan standing beside me. He put a glas

et drunk huh?" I

ng straightforward. I turned my body t

. He looked at me disbelief and I chuckled. I walked down to se

the bed waiting for Alan to walk in. I took off my high heels and my ad

ds him as he kept looking at me. I cornered him to the door and

took off his suit slowly and he cupped my face to deepen the ki

my dress fall down to the floor. He starte

most naked body. He kissed me again slowly

my strapless bra. He threw my bra away and pushed me to the bed. He

tly tone body. He started to trail kisses all over my body claiming ev

the bed sheet tightly loving th

hispered it to my ear and l

ps that second. How I wish I have my knife w

put himself inside of me and started to thrust in s

. My body loved the way he works and I wanted more. Our body moved in sync and I f

ssed his lips and slowly trailed down to his neck and chest. I'm enjoying it

ur climax pretty fast. I was panting and laid beside him. Before I could take a rest, his hand alr

aking my whole body go crazy with his touch. He teased me a lot with his fingers and I crashed my lips

ten up his pace as he kissed me hard and rough. He bit my lips

into his arms. His wrapped his arms aroun

resent?" He

bit my lips and I

her sooner?" He asked as he

I whispered i

fun than this." He's

we just

to start now." He s

an Reyes." I said as I loo

r round then." He smirked as he gra

idn't take him long to claim me again. He was crazy and he

ecause this is one of the

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