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The Other Side

Chapter 4 Angel of Death

Word Count: 1036    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

Everything looks different now from what it was earlier. All I did was get out of my room to take a l

ou can drown there if you fall." Sai

en though I already

rom the other side?" Ange

ignoring him after I saw his true face. It's been a long time since we talked to each o

l of this. I will be waking up sooner or later and everything will go back to normal. At least to my defin

sked, trying to chan

your ability to see the other side, it kind

're still close, he never does that. I realized that maybe it's because we are on the s

body!" I feel so frustrat

with that. You're the only one wh

But maybe it was just my depiction of them that they should be evil. Now that I'm already in their w

o me? I've been ignoring you for yea

m an angel!

I have given you!" I s

he name was just a coincidence

ying to prank me. But then, he lo

m that side! Those are the demons who wor

s from what other people have described. White clothes, a halo, and a pair of wings. But the

od! I ex

re what the demons look li

n we go far from them?" I grabb

lie. The problem is, I'm not the only one who thought that the angels are the ones with wings and prett

as always there for me since high school. Even long before that and after I decided t

I did to you." I finally must

only natural to fear the unknown." He

e just trusted you and remained a friend."

have a guardian angel that you ca

t he was a demon, he still never left my side. The question is, why is he guardi

e, that's why!" I tried

et anyway so I can't tell

hat it's a secret. At least now I don't feel awkward anymore. Angel made me feel at ease with hi

g and where are you taking her?" ask

I'm very sure that this guy has something to do with it. I almost forgo

ss, vampire!" Angel's ton

o!" I said, realizin

an angel of death!" The va

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