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The CEO's Bodyguard

The CEO's Bodyguard


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1179    |    Released on: 22/06/2021

ab driver as I handed him his

n your cab fee.” He ye

eplied with a wid

e to see a thankful smile on

nder my breath as I made my way to

ay. Why? It was my first day aft

the personal bodyguard to the famou

soon to be boss who was none other than Ryan Robin

f the elevation

ed man. “You must be the new bodygua

and every other person you’d work with.” he said as he led the wa

o the CEO’s office and as the man pushed the door

t that I didn’t recognize Anderson but I’ve never been up close to him. I should probably

ably how much

he man announced and we wai

obin Anderson raised his head

his well-shaped lips and nose, those piercing blue eyes, his s

d down. I didn’t even realize he was now in fr

n that brought

ed at the man with a slight

odded wit

’t look like i

talking about me as though I wasn’t

ice to meet you, Mr Anderson.” I stret

s gaze on my outstretched hand that

e he wasn’t aware, I pulled him closer to me. In reflex, I had him pi

as he struggled to set h

h a tone of warning. With a

ce again, Mr Anderso

ove obviously took him by surprise and I wondered why

to his feet. He shook his head at first but

attack is weak

o be kiddi

the way you attack u

he turned to the ma

should be up to

got the nam

to work with me.” He went back to his seat. “

ilip responded.

ies, I got the door for Philip. He appreciated t

pped walking an

am.” I

smiled. What’s up wit

” He said. “I look forward to

ere,” I

ing you, Mr Anderson.” I thoug

” I heard Ph

ied as I left Ryan’

while I’m right by your side. I’ve been employed to protect y

. I tiredly walked across the living room to my bedroom. As soon as I entered my room, I threw my phone on the bed

om, right before I could take my bathe, I removed my chest binder, pants and underwear. All thanks

e whole Anderson building wasn’t tiring enough, Ryan had to make me drive him to

job as his guard but I never expected

ly stronger tha

ater got in contact with my body. I took my

d the bathroom with a towe

y nightwear. Arranging every other thing where they needed to be, I laid ba

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