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Double Penetration

Chapter 2 Play with them

Word Count: 1047    |    Released on: 28/06/2021

, but there was some new, unusual sensation from this. It was very strange that I have

rush and a felt-tip pen in there. More for the sake of interest, just to ex

s,” said the boss, “and play with them

d the balls of the man. In principle, I was already aroused and ready to surrender to these two males. But it was a little scary

heavy for the tongue, cool and round. They smelled of saliva and semen. I wondered if all mens balls s

heeks and the whole nose were covered. The boss's balls were also abundantly covered

uy was now pushing two fingers into it. It hurt a little. My anus b

ried to take the b

ty. Calm down, why

... It

owly do everything,


everything will be fine. Now we will stretch it a little bit and you will feel better. You

n your mouth and s

is there so much saliva when you suck? Some kind of reflex of Pavlov's dog.” I thought at that moment. And from thi

you now understand how to suck prop

od, what was I doing? What was going on there and then in that room? Had I c

lt when a man fucked me in the mouth. Disgusting? Probably n

ice brought me out of deep thoughts

ur ass.” He said sweetly a

t the body was on the table, face d

id the boss to hi

eels from the mere thought that

and summer sneakers on. He spread my legs wide apart. At that moment, for some reason I was a littl

took a marker from the table and gave it to me to lick. I understood that now they would deve

ne has ever died from this, but only become happier.” S

my muscles relaxed and gently warned me: “Don't squeeze anymore. Relax and see that everything will be fine. There will be a des

yself, as the young guy told me. He placed a black marker on my already lubricated anus and began to inject it in. It r

further. It didn't hurt. Apparently the fingers did their job, and my

guy said, smiling happ

nswered with surprise. “And

There is a mirror

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