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Welcome to Wakeford

Chapter 3 TWO RED EYES

Word Count: 3684    |    Released on: 03/07/2021

save for the cry of crickets from the woods and the

s house, the darkness of the night made the trip that much longer. When he finally reached the area, he had to crawl on his hands and knees through a hole in th

night while driving home from gassing up their car. Now, it seems like all the notable sightings of this creature eman

out to t

or any kind of sign, any trace t

!" called a familiar

revealed a young girl, exactly his age, with straight brown hair and chocolate e

e you fucking kiddi

line. You're not su


g to be hella pissed if he finds out we'

would not be deterred in continuing his inves

ss you squeak about

d. "You're coming back

you in charge o

out rig

rds the entrance of the grounds. Martin would have none of it and tried to


. "It's about time you let go of this middl

for a myth!?

stumbled backwards a few feet to the edge of the woods. Her foot tripped over a rock and her b


. Even if he had qualms with his sister, she was still family. The i

so sorry. I di

n Madeline's leg. The denim had been torn, almost to her knee. Underneath the tear

it h

grunted in pain, trying to sound sarcasti

a time like this. Let

though its usage was rare. He never thought he would have to use it to aid his sister, who always rejected any invitation to join him. A single cloth wi

, what is

it hurts, that mea

r-undetectable noise left him frozen. It reminded him of a

ll me you h

groaned, fightin

only possible way he could detect anything. Madeline struggled to dress her

someone o

ng on end. He hesitated to venture further, as

rward, the grass sifting beneath his feet with every step. Once again,

viewfinder. A vague, dark shape, man-like in appearance, but imp


shape emerged. It stood at least 10 feet tall, with what appeared to be wings hidden behind its back. It looked vaguely human, but its legs and arms resembled more a bird's or an insect'

k, it's

somewhat fearfully, foll


d, they had clearly agitated the creature, and the time had come to go. Any desire to con

ursued with a loud thump each time he set down one of his feet. In the darkness, Martin sc

is that?" Mad

t is, we pi

d so far from their entrance? Behind them, a tall, dark silhouette emerged from the woods, two ruby red eyes staring right a

nd drew out an old semiautomatic handgun with a large box magazine in front of the trigger guard.



connected with its arm. Wounded, the monster let out a terrifying screech of pain, stunned by the girl's retaliation. A small w

Martin asked in shock as they ente

n the middle of the night una

da told me a li

eeded to find a safe hiding spot to lose the Mothm

lied victory. Remnants of that time were littered about the factory, from spare artillery shell casings, rotting wooden stocks for rifles, and conveyor belts with bu

ct places to wait their monstrous pursuer out. Madeline took cover underneath the office desk and pulled a rolling chair back, providing tota

d. Outside, they could still hear the cries of the Mothman as it tried t

d. "And here I was, thinking we w

d, checking his camera and flashlight

e, Marty. We can t

t to hear

r, Ma

y i


tell the Mothm

y, o

she would have to say the following words, but there was no sense

inked and stared at her brother, her eyes glistening with tears. "Happy?" The


indows outside the office. A loud crash followed as shells, bullet casings, and all sorts of machinery were knocked over, destroyed

deline asked fearfully

een us go inside this room. We shou

area. It stopped whenever it passed a room. Martin, despite every ounce of logic telling him otherwise,

tory now, a-and M-Maddie's with me. I…I think…it's in

ghtly ajar. Even if he was taking his life in his hands, he needed the

bouncing between the camera and the door. "I need to get

at the door. A loud metal clatter almost shook them out of their spots, but they remained in plac

an owl's, while its strange hands resembled those of a moth's leg. Atop the head were two insect-like antennae. They fluttered e

It seemed like hours as it just stood there

rate hunt for its prey. The footsteps echoed on the concrete floors as

thought aloud with r

icture of fear. Every bead of sweat was captured in night vision as she gently pushed away th

est discovery of the decade. The Mothman i

Madeline offered, sardo

s get the fuc

ll checking each room, hoping to find its scared quarry. This creature, while clearly intelligent, was still just a dumb animal. It c

coast is cle

tin followed close behind, keeping an eye on the creature all the while. Once out of the fact

n sighed as he shined his flashlight

ver thought one of your kooky

w every day, huh?" Madeline

'd learn this. And cer

h this footage, we're gonna b

a dirt trail connecting to the main highway leading back to t

s go get f


naged to catch a black silhouette swoop down from the sky with lightning speed. It landed in front of the fence with

d, you m


. The Mothman was black from head to toe, its eyes reflected the light like a jewel, blinding t

and a sleeveless white shirt. On his feet were what looked like bedroom slippers. Clearly, the man had just gotten out of bed. His tortoise shell glasses ref

my grandkids, y

e twins shou

cape, but was greeted with a shot to its wing. A cry of pain alm

shouted, unloadin

d and writhing in agony, the kids took that as their cue to retreat into their grandfather's car. Steve wasted no time in stepping

'd be too late. What were ya'll thinking, goin'

my fault. I was so hell-bent on wanting to know more ab

Getting angry forever ain't my s

here, anyway?" Maddie asked.

n'?" Steve chuckled. "Julia called me up the other day, told me what

jected, confused, "you mean y

ago, just 'fore th

rtin still mustered the energy to turn on

' in my yard. At first, I thought it was a raccoon or somethin', g

s from the coldness of the night or

tarin' at me. I thought for sure he would fly up

did yo

un, rushed out to the backyard, and fired a couple

looked out the rear window and saw the vague silhouette of the Mothman fly up into the sky. It soared ov

es that freak want…?"

kids. Or their souls,"

nt an immedi

"I mean, it didn't kill the Jacobsens, or anyone else that saw it. Could

n' it, right? And all the sightin's happened just before it collapsed. My guess? It was warnin'

that screeching in your face isn't t

way of showing concern for humans. That's why I need to figure o

close to losing yer li

eenager trying to unravel a mystery that was much bigger than him. Even so, he had seen how this creature has affe

ng for the truth. Now that I know this is rea

crawl across Steve's mouth. As he pulled into the dr

ed some help. From now on, I'm

Martin bea

n' you hog all the fun! You might

, th

rtin's hobby to be a joke and a lost cause. Now…she couldn't see it the same way. The Mothman was real. The supernatural did exist. She had witnessed it firsthand. Her world was

anymore. Perhaps it was better if she never came to W

this was her new reality. Madeli

is," she whisp

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