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I am Alphas' baby

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 800    |    Released on: 04/07/2021

surd and I don't want to bear a child, other wolves would laugh their heads

the bottom of my heart that it would t

also the key person to change the fate of the werewolf clan. If you fail to find your chosen mate and give birth to the prince of the Inferno Wolf Clan, not only will our royal bloodline end from here, but the entire Wolf Clan will fall into chaos. The Frost Wolf Clan will definitely use the opportunity as an excuse to start a war. If we let them take

grew so fast where they even raged war against our clan. However, ten years ago Andrew died for practicing the forbidden arts, and he died by his own hands due to an accident. Their current Alpha is incapable at all and hasn’t d

t know how many horrible killing machines were hidden beneath the calm lake. As a future alpha of the Inferno Wolf Clan, this child is too capricious, simple and kind. Under the prosperous and peaceful world with our rule, it does not matter. But now that the Frost wolf clan aims for our

reful and keep our guard up, what awaits our clan will be demise. It's been ten years since Andrew's death, and no one has ever seen what the current alpha of Frost Wolves looks l

nce of their new alpha?" Kolten batted his eye

omorrow. According to the rules of our clan, you must travel to the human world three days after the bar mitzvah to find your

e the

odded, but I could

I should let him experience the outside world and grow.

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