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Celebrity Favouritism

Chapter 4 Episode Four

Word Count: 2245    |    Released on: 06/07/2021

o continue with the song and I smiled and raised the microphone

cracking sound, the whol

ry cause I failed, I failed Maria Li and everyone who wanted


hing else on cheek instead of tears, it was slimy and sticky and I turned to

what I was talking about but happily wagged her tail and walked out of

nd into the living room and the sweet smell of

Erick and Auggie around th

re awake" my

a into my ro

would be better if I start eating and let Ella w

ood job, nice one Ella"

sat beside

ner all by yourself you could have w

did" my Grandma stated with

t look down on me" Erick a

a taste of the meal and o

it delicious

ask m

before I could give hi

rfect!" I said

a good cook

h e

you sure are!" she

Erick said he would do it cause he was the chef of the day and

ch I just let h

living with my phone w

you doing?

I shrugge

Erick?" s

the dishes

supposed to help him out?

it alone and by himself so he doesn't need m

s what girls do instead. And he's a tenant for crying out loud, now

on the table before standing

Do you

errupted Erick before he


ited, I was forced

ing his fingers around the neat dishes, I

be less

ack here?" my

d why she, is bei

help and he's already through w

he living room with

e with the dishe

ssed Erick" my

ou're the best one Erick" I got up and went back to my room

song, I recalled my dream and pondered on what it real

e sang the nation's Daniel Anderson's song and apart from Maria Li's song, I think

a Li's song i didn't know it was nighttime

see it was 8:45pm. Wow

much with Ella?" I asked

as playing with Ella" he said

" he c

I turne

is super shiny and slippery and he has a small fridge and a big Tv, but he didn't let me wat

m by his full name an

just don't feel suppressed with what you saw in his room okay!" I s

ing that I've ruined Auggie's ha

nd took his hand and w

and as usual we laid there and we started to stare at the stars. Auggi

ing to own ten TV's, thousands of fridge and a bigger bed and

ave ice-cream su

," I

ten to a sto

he said

re was a once

upon a time" Augg

" I s

once upon a time always have a hap

a small farm, and in that farm, he grew corns, beans, peanut

d?" he asked

interested in it, and after some minutes I realised I

and stopp

eresting" I heard Erick's vo

.? how did you get here?, h

or should I say, once u

o a psycho" i mumbled t

lp you take Auggie

ed and he shrugged

" I b

I'm trying to bite you or anything" he sai

hy do you hate me

te you" I said and folded m

still acting a bit grumpy towards me" he

't ha

hate you"

ike you do?" he asked huf

t,... I'm angry" I bl

hing wrong? Is it about Ella waking

her..." I sighed

so hard to

is it about

assing!" I b

Erick tilte

w why you left home and why you rented out a place like this, because with you living with us, you get to see us live a life like this, a life where we

Stated, he w

hope you understand me now" I sa

those kind of people who judge like a psycho and I think you

you mean?

the dinner table eating as a whole, as a family, you're all happy because you all get to eat together, now that's one things I don't see for myself. And no I d

ant to hurt

it" I

tonight and it just made my day, I always eat alone,

uess I shouldn't judge and discard people befo

trying to make you happy or

I muttere

tell me is that, you haven't had dinner

ears, I haven't. My parents are too focused on their j

parents weren't there?" I asked with my

e. He got really angry with me and we both had this hefty arguments and out of anger, I just left home and stopped walk

and a home which I believe will be covered in wealth, and you left it, to live her

place I feel like, a door has been opened for me, I love it here! I'm ta

only who hates my lif

king it'll come in handy, cause what in the world will I ever talk to your grandma about, and when I moved in here, I foun

ave him a weird lo

njoy talking

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