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The Nanny Diaries

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1204    |    Released on: 08/07/2021


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company that trained girls and women like us to become perfect Nanny. Being a Nanny is not someone's dream job but still, people are doing it to have bread on their plate, and that's where we come, nanny's from our company are well qualified and trained for child care and we have

as certainly one of the best jobs for me. I want to set up my own company which wi

s, an omelet, and a cup of coffee. I have a big appetite and breakfast is very important to st

It's not a huge company but we have achieved a good number of clients and they are mostly g

y car, I went i

y our receptionist said

a smile. We are a family here with

It's been five months that I am working from the office and helping in the training for the amateurs. But I still mi

se." Caroline said, "Okay, I'll be th

ine's office. I knock on the door

ne's face and turn left to see a man around fifty sitting

America," Caroline said while trying to keep her excitement at bay. I can understand her feeling,

, Mr. Knight." I extended my hand for a

ne, Young lady." He sai

sitting. I was feeling nervous but I control

out of the country so, I and my wife were taking care of him but two days ago my wife had an accident that causes her a

d sincerely. "We have potential nannies but for you Mr. Knight, we have

it. It was a great opportunity and I was missing being in t

information we need to know about his grandson. We shake our hands again and Caro

her face. For a 38-year-old, she sur

ial client so we have to make a great impression. You have to be there at 10 in the morning

t a few months ago, when you told me I don't have to work in

artment's rent it will be handled by the company. I would have chosen somebod

I will take my leave for today and read the file

and decided to leave early. I have to p

elevator stopped at my floor and I got out. I pull out my keys and opened the door and place the bag an

ter 30 minutes I put the file on the tab

two years old. His father is not around here to look after him. I felt disappointed towards his father, How could he live his child for his s

you, Mr. Chase Knight,

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