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Old Granny Fox

Chapter 10 X Reddy Fox Is Impudent

Word Count: 765    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

e is dangerou

ay 't will get


ery smart. He has to be in order to live. But a great deal of what he knows he learned from Old Granny Fox. The very best tricks he knows she taught him. She began teaching him when he was so litt

s of careless young Rabbits, and how to catch Meadow Mice under the snow. In fact,

e knew just about all there was to know. So sometimes when he had done foolish or careless things and Granny had scolded him, telling him he was big enough and old enough to k

been careless! She had allowed Farmer Brown's boy to catch her napping! Reddy did wish he had been there to see it himself. But anyway, he had been told about it, and he made up his mind that the next time Grann

nhouse, and the second time he barely escaped being shot. Old Granny Fox found out about it. How she found out Reddy doesn

st Fox I ever heard

you are!" retorted Reddy

anded Granny. "Wha

pid. I know better than to take a nap in broad daylight right under the very nos

he other way until it seemed to him that the air was full of black paws, every one of which landed on h

nd I am perfectly ready to admit it, because it has taught me a lesson. Wisdom often is gained through mistakes, but never when one is not willing to admit the mistakes. No Fox li

y's mistake," whined Reddy to hims

dn't been impudent," whispered

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