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Revenge on the Billionaire

Chapter 4 Ashes to Ashes

Word Count: 1179    |    Released on: 13/07/2021

t between 1856 and 1892 by Reginald Palmer, the late founder of the Palmer family. It was the largest privately-owned house in the city, with

o the house by a Head Butler

ou? Where

Ashley was born. He had practically ra

d his best not to star

ss Palmer asked Marvin to

The tall portraits of her family and predecessors in the guest hall, the 1921 Howard Miller grandfather clock, t

s, Dottie, her playmate, until Scar

vertook her. She needed to face Sca

to have some lunch,” the bu

Levi. Just tell me w

in the third-floor lib

e library is. But if my husband, Jake, arrives, bri

which were more expensive than sports cars. She reached the third-floor landing and entered the library

almer Industries. Her secretary stood

up. Dismissing her secretary, she r

eyes. Grand party in the evening in our

lean and attractive. But she had alway

you do it?” A

are you ta

nake! You ru

ral steps back, her face

and tell me wha

ne who butchered my f

n realizing that Ashley was dead seriou

let. I have video evidence. You thought you would

lourish. Her expression had changed. She was grinning om

ake’s head with hatred towards you. And I bribed his assistant to get him addicted to cocaine. And he abuse

ey was bey

“But w

company after you declined. All my life, I’ve only had hand-me-downs. And then, you wer

ere wild and flaring a

ist, Scarlet. But first, yo

m the door. It belonged to Mary Palmer, A

a much younger woman. Dressed in a red satin ro

my dear, wh

d Scarlet on.” Tell her! Tell her you killed T

misunderstanding, d

and played the video for

How could you do this?!

tayed silent,

ar, we will call the police. I hope you have secure

copy in this flash

for you.” Mary took Ashle

ore we inform the police. Your dad will be back tonight

ay had been very draining, and she was glad that someone cared ab

third-floor corridor. On one side were doors, a

tried to comfort th

l take care of everythi

d to hug her stepmother, but Mary

nd went over the rail, fa

ts. She could see the floors passing her as she fell

just ha

floor. Her body twisted into a jigsaw puzzle wit

cle. The fall had shattered her spine. She tried

utes passed. Or

ld hear Jak

hley! A

l an amb

ll Jake. Warn hi

d hear someone singing. A distant voice. A fond memory. A lu


l right, As

on’t let me die! P

old creeping on her, tightening its grip on her

world turned bla

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