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Try Harder

Chapter 2 Business relations

Word Count: 999    |    Released on: 14/07/2021

r, Alexis, doesn’t like them bothering her husband, so she’s sure Alexander wouldn’t want her sister to see her at their h

her sister were still dating. She and Alice has been asking him for advices for their businesses. He’d been v

been married before and

’t you older tha

umber. Also, he’s got kids. Are

the details. Free kids, no? I won’t h

ed. “Don’t you wa

ut more without the

ocess is quite peculiar. She’d been staring at hi

number from me. I don’t want

ght, she bli

this strange expr

of course.” She perked up at that. She can have a legit reason to seek th

aited for him to give it to her. He

e thanked hi

et his attention. And if you do, there are children involved. He loves them,

. “Do you think I’m stupid

ried person with two children, who’s what

k at her brother

it about how love move

ust a hopeless romantic. All she believes in is that there’s some


ugh their lawn, out the gate and towards her car.

t was Alice bothering him again. He told her it was Alena, wanting Christan’s contact info

really Christan’s company that was supplying

ts. She was relieved, though. It was his com

ess relationships and connections. Well now,

ttle business between them. She would have to check with Alice and Alexis if he’s also their supplier. If not, she can convince them to change it. That would be an opening. But of course, it’s n

still a big name in the industry. She also found out about a bar he’s personally operating at the edge of the city. S

nk that’s the main point. He doesn’t want many people in it. Still… people who would like to speak with him, there

re information on that end. She doesn’t want to go only to

men who tries to seduce him. She’d like to witness that before making her own move. Seduction is still an op

years. But she understands not everyone would be attracted. We all have our own

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