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Vampire Prince: The Forbidden Desires

Chapter 2 Unnatural Savior

Word Count: 938    |    Released on: 15/07/2021

hen did his father have any power to dictate his decision, especially

n offspring. I need you to be married within 3 months and have a child before a year,” Vlad

nd and suddenly placed it on his father’s head before he tilted his head. “Are you sick? But

Vladimir firmly said as he

with my love life?” Jason asked as he s

s,” Vladimir said straight

ed his father. He can’t believe that his father is really marrying h

like the father and son have some serious things to talk about, she instantly came down

ce Jason whom she secretly loves all along. What hurts more is that she knew Prince Ja

ed to the woods and stopped at the cliff at the east side of the forest. She sat down on the edge a


slapped her with immense force with the back of his hand, causing her t

rd her father but she never turned around. This time she wants to seek freedom from him. Her father

behind her, she quickened her pace and run until she didn't see t

that she got elevated when a strong arm grabbed her small

e menacingly walks towards her while she crawls backwards on the ground.

s’ face. The two men obviously had a few drinks by how their breath stinks, and how they sway every now and then. The smirk on their f

ed her down and sniffs her neck as the other man

t at the top of her lungs. Jess started to burst in tears as she closed her eyes and stopped her

but fear came into her again as the man with golden eyes opened his mouth, making her see his canines. ‘He is a vampire’ she thought to herself


the first thing that Jason had said to her after her transformation. Apparently, Jason was on one

re, but she would always be thankf

ca abruptly stood up from shock

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