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High School Revenge

Chapter 5 Nutellas

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 16/07/2021




you lot co

er found out her name

, ma. A very ho

s British guy?! I s

What happe

rected her que

ll caused by a

call me a wr

id this to you. Mrs Declan sai

s teacher not English cause

lans for it already. It will regr

it on hotshot

seat down and don't bother writ

d turning back

en anything yet he's getting this special trea

turned to face him in shock. Can

a glance as he focused on

I faced my front and also jotted dow

ture someone back there, obviously he is a fossil already so why does it still exist

nd into my brain where words literally took formation and fought each

ds then metamorphed


, Rom

one y

u have known

amed out loudly, drawing th

urned to face me. Is there anything wrong

as saved by the bell as the studen

ay class. Mrs Declan said as she walked out. I shee

and stared out the window, obviously he

when Tracy and Adrian c

You are definitely on

a damn. Better come at

ere's your crew, that you

You better don't step on my toes

metable and saw tha

is next class, and bye bye to distraction and I will use the perio

ich from afar could be mistaken as a wall. I went towards it and found out it w

s behind the do

y one in the area so I used my powers to mel

osity grew. What ever is behind these

breathtaking garden. I could hear the b

le?! I thought

's perfect. I said as I sat down on a bench and st

pposed to do and I brought out a b

e a diary but i

so even if it fell in the wrong hands, th

on the first page wa


, a page. And Drake made it in such a way that the next page can

he student pi

l by name Lo

lt a shadow cast upon me. I quickly shut t

cause of the powerful rays b

, surprise written


his place. This is

and boom, here I am. I sa

k fell off and landed in

id raising an eye

attention was cut off by th

that be

, Romeo sa

left,scolding myself. Why do I always act

o fast already. You didn't run a

eyes caught sight of the book. He picked it up



I love all chemistry classes but this che

sitting beside me and making jokes about the clas

nd irritated that I b

lot, I gave him but when he kept frustrating me, I totally forgot that the

ed laughing, I realised what I did and I

for absolutely no reason...okay maybe not for no

nerd and I took another one of m

. cause he wouldn

fault though and i

nge because Haziel said they had an endless supply of

eacher's lounge for over a

rs because they were all busy. The school is a big school anywa

In the back of my eyes, I could see lights shining in the

Twix in there. You know tht candy that's the mix

with their unhealthy consumption of chocolate b

ul and nice students and we are

he crime after the warning bell

really funny because Barry and Ray were in th

sat at the back where my seat was locate

skin just like they did with every

n to them as he sat beside me.

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