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Word Count: 1743    |    Released on: 21/07/2021



each other as two lover birds , I couldn

he had already promised not to

nd lips ," what are you

ou are the first man that have ever make l

, I am too For havi

I am late work, I

for you to go,

r each other another time . ",promise,

my yellow blouse with my white shirt , checking myself in the mirror , wow, I l

o work , kissing


n Nigeria , I own the company becau

my family , I come from the family

richest man in Nigeria ,

is girlfriend , he ended up having a heart attack which resulted to his death

s falling on the same path and faith that My brother Oli

thing was handled

f form my car, on getting to my co

morning mam, "good

g is ready ", s

nd also my friend ,

office ,relaxing

My coffee and don't add

she quickly

ay , trying to open my file that cont

as cynthia, my crazy frie

ice let her go, she can never change

nd , my special friend, so that

ittering, " no I, reply by cynthia ,," so tell me

e apart from my prince charming ."I see, two unbreakable lovers ,for years

am really happy for you , but mirabel, I believe all guys are th

cynthia and no human born of this world

n this world, what if he is cheating

ccessful when it comes to relationships , I know that this is your 6 times

ot lucky but soon I will be, a

miling , "cynthia hello and "mirabel hi ,mary rose repl

ou, my good friends, " ah, what

] Emmanuel jun

ll this year , I was able to

e was the one that

and I am grateful for that, I really do love mira

to buy some clothing and shoes tha

ickly brush my teeth and quickly came out, wearing

e over as I drove

tly into the boutique looking down, I quickly bumped into a woman , " sorry, never mind,

" huh, didn't quite understand you"?, meaning not your concerns , of course you are , " ca

needed to buy and quickly came back,

o recall the girl that I met , beautiful, arrogant, have fea

ocus what is on hand, which is how to p



cynthia to celebrate her enengagemen

nt up to the stage to take the microphone , I am glad that I am getting married to th

w, the chorus reply and s

for as she wen

y man and I am happy that I am finally getting married to him , I thank you

od, the date of the wedding haven't been fixed ,

e not the same, All guys are perfect, I

?, cynthia, huh as she quickly

ose is getting married to the man of h

nally have the chance to propose to me , my g

reply, huh, "what did you say"? nothin

, a cheater , why don't we prove it to a test, why don't I prove i

cynthia, You seem to be j

alright, no problem, it's a challenge, let me prove it

w long he will go , a ma

sing about? , nothing much,

e celebration, cynthia as

lo, love , " where are you? , actually I went f

you , "Awe, I miss you too , you kn

my lover place . I see, and ," don't forget our agreement ?, we talk a

ongratulations once again, thank you, and I

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