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The Doppelganger

Chapter 2Ā His Nightmare

Word Count: 1764 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 21/07/2021


loud like any other day, I thrust my hands upon the bed and catch the sight of m

Everyday... I have seen her tears almost everyday for the last 15 years. There is not a single day when she failed to stick by my side. She looks o

'll never win this discussion, Samar, so stop trying.",

?", Stretching the 'mom' sound, I objected like a kid. She'll certainly show her too

e understands my words without even saying it. We share silly jokes, we make fun of each other, sometimes I treat her l

, mom told me. Well, it's still early but she kno


ne. I saw her again. That innocence filled eyes seeking help still delivers goosebumps all over my

in my heart and this is the only reason not to contact any psychologist so far. The promise which I had made to her, I couldn't fulfill it. I fa

e waiting for you."Dad

kling water. The pain, I have willingly let li

, I took a quick shower and came out since, today i

Investors are already impressed with my proposal and will cert

pe, the beauty, the magic, the aura, the vibe which that place holds inside it, i

ed wine red suit and a checkered black tie.

comfortable with her over the years. Well, I knew she was waiting for my call. Due to inherited genes from an Europ

ar', My subcons

sound in sir unnecessarily while chucklin

ow I'm really bad at it. On a funny note, my acting sucks! I can never hi

, She continued her giggles whil

?", She said, turning her

, She didn't laugh this time and h

done.", Sh

turning off topic. Turning my back to her, I grabbed my phone to avoid awkwardness, for I'm con

and her expectation. It's very silly of me to do something this trivial to her but when ti

dule.", I forced a smile on

have a meeting

meet Mr. Adem....", She

there for he knows we're the best in this field in India. As he'l


vide will be in a modern frame. We can give them the luxury of royal people while using AI (Artificia

ossible for a middle class family to pay a visit even if it is for a day. So h

t'll solely target rich class that means we can anticipate to make a hefty

it our hotel without paying a single penny and in

can plan a holiday in our hotel. We can offer some percentage of reduction to them.", I detailed my views while lo

applause from them. I'm ecstatic, I feel like, I'm on clou

you the contract within 3 days.", The one who asked


his secretary. He is similar to my age but a bit healthy in physique and has worn black

al Samar.', I

he nearby scenario, taking a look around.

ng and uncomplicated man over the phone. I hope he wou

ting vibe.", Breaking the i

can relax for some time and then we'll discuss further at l

ith my car too. As I love to drive my white BMW a

idn't meet her and Mr. Adem didn't even mention her once. Should I go to the airport

l the arrangements, I called Lily and advised to be prepared


de a tinted glass cabin cornered from the whole restaurant of our hotel. The reason why I preferred a

. She is really an ace in her wor

beamed. With only a slight glance of her

l then why don't we begin the di

d and came in was a beautiful young lady but I bet she can'

Kayra. And may I say, she is as meticulous as Li

ng for a second, observing her every single detail, leaving myself teary-eyed. Despite of ha

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