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Slave to Free

Chapter 5 Fifth

Word Count: 3380    |    Released on: 25/07/2021

s a pillow with Bobo and Koko were on my left and right sides, acting as a blanket. I smiled and stretched before standing and g

uld be kind of gor

at a post-

ly walking in a g

man alive that I

r friends, they

cause they'

ward and Bella'sOh, if I were a

r heart, yeah, I'

ant your h

zombie, I'd neve

r heart, yeah, I'

your heart, 'c

g?" His tail wagged slightly, but stopped then looked at my phone again then at me. "Oh, you like my singing." His tail wagged. I smiled. "Well, I like singing so you'll hear it a lot from me if you're around enough." A whimper was heard from my room, I looked and saw Koko was waking up. Bobo didn't waste a second. He was over there nuzzling K

uman form, laughed. "No uniforms in

for something to wear. I was never

k tank top. Even though his face was bright red, he pulled out a pair of red lace

d at the second black t

me the strength not to do anything stupid." I tilted my head. The twins had burst

t? You're the one holding a bra! Kody, don

s ears were the same shade as the panties he picked out for me. I coul

at probably make him uncomfortable, is very funny to me." Koko, who was smiling at them,

ancakes and Koko settled for leftover meat that was put in the fridge. I, however, ate a single piece of toast. "That's no enough

ed to eating much. Usua

ancakes from his plate. "Eat all

ugged and began devouring his food again. I let out another sigh and eat them. Wh

n't seem to be bothered by this and said their good mornings to them like it was completely normal. I started to tremble. Bobo wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. "Nothing to worry about. You'll be with us all day

lunch." Jacin pul

not in the same

No. I'm a senior. I have different classes. I'm at th

. "Oh. Okay.. Well I gue

his fingers. "Don't look so

ut a sigh and turned back to Bobo and Koko. "Are you okay, Leto?" I was starting to get used to them always speaking in unison. I nodded, even though I wasn't okay. I was scared. I was tr

nutes, I had already finished the assignment the class had been working on all week. I lif

t page. What he didn't realize is that I had already figured the next page out in my head. He handed me a notebook and tapped that page. I wrote all the answers and expl

it Miss

y I have some harder problems to solve?" The entire class was looking at me with shocked expressions. I fe

went with each lesson. He looked over at me. "You do not belong in my class." I looked at my hands that were fidgeting with my pen. "However, His Majesty has informed this school that you are to remain with Mr'

nymore. They were all looking at me. "D-D-Does a-anyone n-need any h-help?" I asked. I was trem

d is willing to help anyone who is struggling." They looked from Koko to me th

me. Quickly I wrote the correct formula and solved it within two minutes. I stood again and walked to the teacher. He took the book and looked it over. I had explained in writing that the formula and layout of the problem was incorrect. He looked over my answer then scratched his head. "I'm not sure how you fi

me away.." Koko had come to the front of the cla

lan on having them come to you." I nodded and

that they were going to preform for the festival. We sat on the stage and listened to the teacher drone on about the

Leto to be the lead singer?" My cheeks burned. I had forgotten t

n sing better that Viki. L

ing my eyes closed so that I would not see anything. When the song ended, I turn my music off and looked at the teacher. She had her hands clasped over her heart and tear

She can't take my spot! I won't allow such!" Her hair was dy


ing to give up what I've worked so hard to get." She was human. I

-I d-don't w-want t-the lead r

not have been a wolf, but I could swear I heard her growl. I flinched back an

.. No... I-I'm okay." He looked at me with soft eyes but glared at Viki before sitting bac

"Alright everyone. Since our costume maker had broken her hand, who would like to help her?" I quickly raised my hand. "Leto. Is there anyone else?" She l

d down off the stage when I knew I could make the jump. I took a few steps back and lined myself up with the isle. I smiled mischi

s strong. Jacin must have been closer to my English class. I sat at my new desk while everyone else

ime. "There is only ten minutes left for

ld h-have the test

e textbook in thirty minutes. I want you to finish this hour long test in three minutes." I nodded and set a timer on my

s, I was sure to gain haters.I turned off my timer and put my headphones in as the teacher stared at me. I didn't have to pretend to be stupid anymore. They weren't going to tell my mo

I could muster. I didn't really know how to

ere pulled from my ears. "You cheated on that test didn't you?" I looked at the boy who had my headphones in his hand. He had thick glasses on his face and many pimples that really needed to be popped

I'll tell you the correct answer without even looking at my phone." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it t

ne 1+(52x33)-(

. The answer is 1707.83 an

red quickly. "Fine, Who was the p

dent of Africa was King George V. From May 6th 1910 until hi

nswer with their names and reign dates." I nodded. "United Sta

to 1809. James Madison from 1809 to 1817. James Monroe from 1817 to 1825. That is the order fro

, only to pop back in to say. "This isn't over newbie! I wi

that boy. He tests my mind and

placed a gentle kiss on my fingers. "We don't have much time left for lunch.

n their eyes brightened and they nodded. "Than I'm not too worried about

t? Math wiz, great singer, English p

den, I'm great with animals. Ummm.... I

cher wanted to put her in the lead roll in the musical we are working on for the festival, but Leto turned it down. Now random pop questions, and she answered them all correct too. Dude, your mate is awesome. I think she's going to be great in gym too. She jumped off the stage, over our heads an

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