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You are Beautiful

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 724    |    Released on: 29/07/2021

re art, her nose straight with the large twinkling eyes which reflected the whole of the glimmering universe. Her mouth resembled that of a rosebud that it was so plump and loveabl

e reason why my dad fell

would never be able to urge him to speak if unnecessary. He was a handsome hunk too. His physique was neither too masculine nor too lean. He

ictness and controlling persona. My mom on the other side was always flaunting her luxury and hanging around her rich friend. I can't remem

carpet with simple yet loving dishes are all displayed. Parents smile as their children go around cycling an

ore. I walked towards the family and the happiness they radiated was so true and authentic that it had me wondering how did I miss those s

he dog was cute that I couldn't stop teasing him and as a result, his barking began so aggressively that he got away from his owner and came near

entic and peaceful smile. As I see the surrounding around everyone is laughing and enjoying their moments that at one point it had me thinking am I living

eached the Hospital and near my Body. As usual, it seems lonely with no one around and seeing this made me wonder whether my accident has been made known to all my family. I sat near my body feeling its cold and pathetic state. Comparing to the previous night, there

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