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Chapter 2Ā 01.

Word Count: 1199 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 30/07/2021


can't just demote me for no reason." I cry out to my mom, who didn

om kick me to the curb every time I tr

ain hoping this time, she'd ac


then I suppose I should

esigner Derek Johansson and also sister of Gabrielle Johansson, and she's not just my

ife working for and guess what, I got demoted for no reason. Hold on, scratch that

e had spent the last five years doing nothing but laze arou

ere children, mom always preferred Elle. Her favouritism towards her wa

tes her. She never once told me happy birthday but Elle always got a

rth. I became a total stranger to Elle and my

all through high school and it was so bad that anytime any guy came any close to

ome kind men

er and hence all the complaints, but I'm not at all jealo

s lazy and if you think she's beautiful then I guess I am too s

osition of secretary to the new VP. I'm not even allowed to design again neit

y'll embarrass me like that, then they are absolutely crazy cause

e of being the dumb girl or the humble and hardworking girl. I n


xcitedly, hugging my mom tightly caus

u're officially the new vice president of Elite Fashion and I'm sure you

aughter. Mom always chose me over th

hy God gave me a twin sis

similar names

ky, obnoxious, stupid, irritating, and the only reason I won't say she's ugly is cause she has my

beneath me no matte

ask with a pout, smiling smugly on the inside knowin

m wrong, she'll still support m

ts her perfectly." My mom stated calmly and I deadpan. Am I loosing my m

pletely so she never finds out about you know what." I screamed angrily

er will stating that you own this. I don't want to kick your sister out completely, what kind of mother does that? I still have a reputati

be this way. My father was an idiot, a hypocrite and a bad father, he left me with no

act is this company holds so much power and

ike a goddess and for everyone to respect me and for that, I needed this company, so s

her, I hope it was a janitorial one.

a your secretary so she can directly serve

mom, I can still trample all over her as much as I want." I reply

e fun to watch her slave around while I sashay all over t

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