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When The Dragon Girl Fell In Love

Chapter 2 Lady Salsa Arrival

Word Count: 964    |    Released on: 01/08/2021

iya Kun, which only means he doesn't care for that slut, on

aking sleeping arrangements with the few blankets and bedspread available in the so-called prison, she eyed the surroundings and sighed deeply, she have to think of ways to leave here, her eggs her more important than her life or her prestige, she won't let Queen Tekiya have her ways with them. Lady Salsa was almost asleep when an imperial guard brought their dinner it was a fish soup some buns, the imperial guards threw the food recklessly at them as the handmaiden quickly try their best to safeguard their dinner, " you sly pig! Do you know who my lady is? She is the future mother of the dragon babies" Shadia retorted to the incautious guard, Paaaa The cheeks was met with a slap from Kariya and she eyed her meaningful then Shadia bowed her head and kept her thoughts to herself, the guard only laughed and still kicked her more then left the prison " Do you know your wrongs" Lady Salsa said immediately the guard was out of earshot. " Yes my lady , I know my wrong" "Do you? Then tell me" she countered " I shouldn't have said those words earlier" she said with unshed tears building up in her eyes "Remember don't count your eggs before they are hatched, we don't know the future situation, we can't bring more troubles to ourselves with our words or actions" we have to do everything cautiously " Lady Salsa explained to the two girls "I am sorry for bringing troubles to My lady please


ison sent news, there was death but it's not of Lady Salsa" the servant replied bowing "You mean that outside slut managed to escape my plot!" Queen Tekiya roared and threw the glass at her, freshly made red wine poured like blood on the royal floor, " I'm sorry my Queen" "Get out

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