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Fame By Accident

Fame By Accident

Author: Tassel

Chapter 1 First Love

Word Count: 2104    |    Released on: 03/08/2021

r 1 Fi

soon as she looked around the familiar surr

t her eleven-year-old brother who was ecstatic to be

sion on his face, she ruffled his dark brown hair and said, “Aziel, you don’t have to

can’t I remember where we lived before? It was only thr

y. She pulled the luggage along with her and headed towards th

asked again with an undercurren

t got in the cab nonetheless, like the obedient kid he’s always been. "Just focus on enjoying your summer here

h, right? You will help me fulfil my wish, w

ed to pat his head lightly as she started pondering how she would possibly be able to grant this one wish. The smi

was absolutely clueless on how they could go about it. On top of that impossible situation, coming back to their hom

ing would come to


rock. Without your support, I am nothing. So you guys mean the world to me,” Troy Kingston said, facing the camera kept on his table, recording his new WhyNTube video. Wh

tag along?” Hernan called out after barging

ed at Hernan Matias, who was one of his best friends and a WhyNTuber just like him. The eccentric name of the café was enough for him to decl

ing the same old vlogs which include nothing but your exercise regime and what kind of takeout you prefer.” Troy snickered at the last sentence. He lost his interest from the mom

le before giving in, “Fine, give me two mi

waiting in the parking lot then,” Hernan announced and made his way out of the Rose mansion—a mansion where an exc


s at that instant moment and peered at the brown wavy-haired girl through the mirror. “I

was sleeping peacefully in the car, so the driver, who looked like he was in his mid-forties, assured, n

light wrinkles that formed on her white top and dusted her mid-thigh length denim skirt before walki

w that when her heartbeat sped up, it was because something was about to happen—good or bad, it didn’t matter. Given the kind of li

cup of hot chocolate? She had no idea, but at least sh

aster, and before she knew it; she w

e h

her eyes; it was like seeing a ghost in front of her eyes. “Is it really you, Danica?" She tou

ying to hide her nervousness. She didn't expect to see one of her

her the drink. “How long will you b

tioned an irritated cust

our questions there,” Danica offered and grabbed

reluctantly turned around and looked at the handsome man, wearing a light brown shirt over his white tee with blue jeans. His blue eyes suddenly shifted from the camera to

She thought she was over him—her crush on him was years ago. But little did she know that seeing him in front of her would awaken that warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest all over again. She was all

ty type of person. She probably wouldn't even mind if he pulled her in a tight bear hug like old times. What she didn't expect w

ike she was just another girl on the street. Her instincts told her to run after him, but she didn't have that courage a

startled at Hernan’s shout, he was still as charming as ever. He has alw

's life?" Danica

back. He was really glad to see one of

lied, then

back in t

to escape—like she had been doing for the past three years. “Aziel is alone in the cab, so I rea

met the intense blue eyes she encountered just a few minutes ago. Troy was

er the strange look in his eyes. Without another thought, she

, it was as if his voice went missing. But given his confusing feelings, maybe i

hurt when Danica left without saying a single word before. Then again, he couldn't think of anything else but wanting to know

o?" Hernan asked after pla

f his skin at the sudden

ntion," Hernan replied.


ly nodded. "Anyways, what do you want to order?" Hernan asked absentmindedly as he was texti

y replied with a sma

e was burning up or not. “You don't have a fever. Are you sure you want hot chocolate? That was Danica’s favori—wait,”

le tugging at the corner of his lips. Of course, he had every one of her favorites no

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