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Genius: The Accountant

Chapter 5 What A Day

Word Count: 1957    |    Released on: 04/08/2021


e entire weekend, her answer w

since she was a child. Yes, her colleagues from college might know her as a nerdy girl who studied hard and ended up graduating at the of

hat worried her were her shady clients. From cartels and mafi

hers. Plus, they had a shitload of money that drew attention to all kinds of thieves and law enforcement. Even in th

sed and hidden the truths from the authorities. What she read

he accountant. Passed around by word of mouth by the leaders. They knew he

nd transferred to prepaid cards, she was inv

ing exposed if she w

ised Lily. You never go

reason she has to do this. She neede

and all the bullshi


will be taken care of in a

7 am. Like any normal girl, she drive-thru McDonald's for a sandwich and ice-co

thing to do with it,

uated. Exits second. Observing people comi

could never

rsonality. An instinct to survive. To shi

where she was an ordinary woman taken by pleasur

ain, she could conjure vivid images. Colliding with what happ


name numerous times will be rem

as history. He was

istrict several times to pass th

a kilometer away from the impo

her head, she squinted her eyes at the corporate ants. Most people that were milling about were in bl

it up,

r directly to a bimb

she have to wear a lot of makeup? In her thick glasses, she narrowed

nful. Beau blinked, the receptionist sweetly irri

ng was killing her. How she yearned they could just send the data to her so s

the hall to your right. Sandrina Petriva will tell you what to do." Al

her best cup of China the girl was only browsing Facebook. Like

ctions. The floor she found herself on was quite fa

will not be thinking of THA

and should never be as

nt from the rude lady at the front desk. H

eting a lot of t

able space for you to work." She had a grown-up son? But she looked

r temporary office was wonderful. The glass-paned walls give her

delight from ear to ear, she faced the boss's

sure of it." Sandrina's eyes were twinkling. Smiling too broadly. Uh oh. Alarm bells we

to the present. If I could have them today?" Beau answered and inwardly cringe at her request. Most ac

work. He should be ready at any moment. Make yourself comfortable. There are coffee and donut." Sandrina pointed to

cquaintance before she left her for a few

au had a normal conversation with a charming lady. Her work cave she liked a lot as well. And

came s

y. Must be imported. Perfect cozy leather chair. Her back and ass were rejoic


type a seri

a particular seque

reating her secret wall, IP changed, testing its strength. Sh

ure enough to store informatio

r the secretary came back in. "But I think we are having issues with the

are issues. "Do you want me to take a look at

au could do. Sandrina

uters. I'll escort you to the bosses' office after." Agreeing

ened to her before. Wide-eyed, gazing around, she blinked. The foreboding jitters in the pit

similar to the last hotel she had been to. She was very distracte


had ruined her for another man. If anyone else will come along, she will

ar, she made a mental note to memorize each fire exit she noticed. Like a

bout to turn a corner to where the PA's desk was locate

re?" Sandrina mu

ndering what she meant or who. Sh

n, his eyes pinned to the floozy shamelessly leaning on a desk with legs suggestively parted. He

the woman before, once a long time ago but never again. She rolled her eyes internally, feeling a bit of

broad back and shoulders seemed so familiar. Faintly, she heard Sandrina speaking in the same

ing clearly like it was just yesterday, the hot and gravelly voice giving

through her body, Beau gasped al

ning the blood from her face, wishing th

incredulous heav

as fu


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