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A Twin With a Difference

A Twin With a Difference


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 816    |    Released on: 04/08/2021

�𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮

e you done t

ercing screams. She was trying to adj

! No, I haven't

o breathe steadily and I'll t


ears of age, Too young to feel this immense pain I was feeling, Too young to be pregnant for a man old enough to be my father, Too young to be bring children into this


st not until my twenty-fifth birthday, I never wanted to go through the whole pain of labor, at least not all by myself with no one waiting at the other end of the door for me, I never wanted any of that. How I got about it all I know not, how I got more than what I bargain I really don't know. But what I do know is I regret the day I call


my wildly opened legs. They were hanging firmly in the air thanks to the metal that was strapped around, holding them in place. This was it, The moment I finally gain my freedom again The moment I will be free from all the weird glances people throw my way. The moment I finally get rid of this pest that had been weighing me down. The moment I get rid of it all. I was going to be a mother whether


bor only to find out that all my efforts in birt

ng we could but it wasn't good enough. I

g what I think

he knew what she was saying, just to be sure she meant wh

our twins were kidnappe

y twins had been kidnapped and I never got to see them, let alon

you wish for, it jus

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