doctors, visited the best clinics ,went to different countries,trying to find a donor...but he didn't, until last year. He remembers when he had to stop working for almost two years , because of this health issue. He went into the coma a lot o
d...and buried right n
nd Damian ,who came
dim light at the end of the tunnel ! You're such
move on and be thankful for this gift. With this in mind
is completely an
ure that one day i'll
d you want to
ould like to help them in any possible means...i know that this will not bring back their dear ones ,but they'll know that thi
know how those people would react...
talking about me ,and tel
ately Nathan....pfuffff...and
guess. A
such an ass sometimes,b
for her ....but i think she doesn't... I'm a little bit ashamed to say this as a man ...but... i even cried last ni
crying does not reveal weakness. But I don't mean that you should cry and scream until your neighbour thinks you're in labour. Hahaha. I really think it's not considered a bad thing to do if you're
nt punching in my emotional gut. I still care and love her with every fiber of my being, but her life journey took her another way and that's life, but I will not shy away from how I feel because society thinks I should be "strong." All that would sh
l they are learned. Let me talk to you before i go out. Maybe
d it herself to fight for you anymore. Every mistake you've made has finally caught up to her. Every flaw you carry has finally convinced her that you're bad for her. Every heartbreak you put her through has finally pushed her far enough to not want to come back anymore. So, don't expect her to come running back to you like she always has before. Don't expect her to give in to her feelings for you like she
d for her ! I promised her that it was the last
en she left ,you realis
..i ...i love her...and i swear
ure, it's going to be a challenge to love someone again, but she'd rather love someone again once she's ready than to love someone who takes her love for granted. Talking as a friend, not as a therapist,huh. How many times have you cheated on her then sweared to her that it