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My cold Husband

My cold Husband

Author: Yasmin111

Chapter 1 Intro

Word Count: 764    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

hday cake in front of the birthday boy and said with a smile, “Master James, good day

ng to break off her e

d, “This is her way of patching up our relationshi

re unfaithful during your engagement d

have excellent qualities. What’s the

ore telling him, “Master James, there is a surprise hidd

form of a bikini and grinned lasciviously

this beautiful moment of wondrous happ

eeded with a narcissistic pose

. A spring stand could be seen popping out of the

sperate end. May sickness befall you with sufferi

you. This is a small gift of appreciation from me today. Once I

uite as someone read out thes

an’s face had becom

there came another loud bang. The cake exploded without warn

tremely emba

calated louder

he entire scene,Haya stored

mbag! He d

omething illegal. Her assignment today was to help Miss Shasha punish her ex-fiancé who was unfaithf

king orders in great anger, he said, “Lock down the entire hotel and c

er the same way she p

he VIP Suite imm

ade a beeline for the washroom behi

p lady with bright and thick makeup. No one could associa

ously and stopped before the elevat

th her attention fixed on the phone screen, she forgot that she was wearing a stiletto with a sharp, thin heel. As she was unaccustomed to this

the man pushed her aside curtly, as if she was dirt itself. S

wanting to see who th

do it on

e got a shock whe


o’d pushed her away w

self, she quick

to suppress her presence. She did not want to be noticed. But it turned o

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