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My rich girlfriend

Chapter 4 Caught between a rock and a hard place

Word Count: 839    |    Released on: 20/11/2021

d that saying, 'Opportunity comes but once'. What he was confused about was why she chose him? They were lots of cute and rich guys

om this. "How about 20,000 dollars" He knew Ele

dad would be curious about what I used the money for. But I have to do

the day, we'd get ready from there" She said to him. "Just you

. Just write the address in a piece of paper,

not to chuckle, but she couldn't. "Tell me your

parents would question him to death if a car co

ant to ask Westley....You know what, i will type t

t understand what s

she typed something using her pho

address is t

hone, what if someone calls you? I c

his line, it's just for irrelevant purposes. And be

e to him, was one of the ways Elena

r to say anymore words, he took th


im outside the house. He smiled and walked up to her.

his job we haven't been spending time with each other. Babe,

n, the job is just for a while, I will quit soon once i've gat

ed you so much. You don't have to quit because of me, i understand

hank you so much" He flashed her a smi

ere we can eat and spend some time together. Go get ready, I will wait for you" She informe

a rock and a hard place. He had a date with Ele

ame. "Well-i-Aria said-she said....." H

pped when she heard the ringing of a phone

re did Jerry get a phone from?

ket. Jerry, how did you manage to

lena had told him that no one woul

too lost in thought. She dipped her hand in his

calling was saved w

hone was the latest iPhone. Where wou

g that Jerry wasn't saying anything, Lillian picked the call, and

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