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The Contract(Miss Perfection)

Chapter 4 Whose marriage

Word Count: 1077    |    Released on: 15/08/2021


fine, said-,he was going to plead and sort things out. So, be rest assured, ho

to be fine. She repe

hing was sure going to be fine. They aren't g

hen she spotted their Butler

ispered to her parents as th

the sight of the stranger tha

lked gracefully to where they were and then recognition dawned on her as sh

ue" she muttered under h

he stood and muttered something to the Butler wavi

inally gotten to their little gatheri

ns to hug her mom, pecking her mom's cheek

extending his hand a

asn't the least su

aze for a whi

herself understanding the gesture h

hand from his,

Son, your mom had briefed you about. And Jake

id his gaze resting on her lips


him a dea

whispered to him, not thinkin

y out that threat" he wh

as ready to slap him aga

you're here, the f

her and took the nex

perfume he was wearing she undoubtedly loves it. It smells

ood, and was close to eating a spoonf

med as she dropped it b

he attention

scurrying to

s-sent for m

t anymore, she had t

m her hand connected to the

set to ruin her m

she had almost hit with her

the fool

, she had ended up In the hospital, her face Chubby ruining her perfect b

the same mistake. Good thin

ith anger, she

rn you about putting onion on m

k, I only assisted her, and trust me she knows nothing about you not liking o

I lose it. And tell the cook to report to my room onc

ourse aside as she carried he

he had just displayed right in his presence without giv

d object to their daughter's charade but to his dismay, they didn't seem

, he'd expect her to be all spoilt, richy, and bitchy j

y glance his way. Jane didn't seem to care as she

his business ordeal that had lead to his inc

ich I truly appreciate but I have invested in so much deal that had

ep it" Jake

exclaimed, th

d, but she felt there

now," she thought as she li

t him sternly to kn

n keep it" he

rice" he ad

f the content, making a mess on the ta

ust heard

e pr

uestioned not knowing wh

" he g


e's shoes, what wo

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