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Rhoda Fleming -- Volume 2

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 4550    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

uth-westerly rainclouds had been met in mid-sky by a sharp puff from due North, and the mois

stened, as if the absolute stillness must beget a sudden cry. The thought of her boy made her heart revert to Robert. She was thinking of Robert when th

had seen a saddle on the horse, and the stirrups flying, and the horse looked affrighted. The scene was too earthly in its suggestion of a tale of blood. What if the horse were Robert's? She tried to laugh at her womanly fearfulness, and had almost to suppress a scream i

what a poor woman has to pay for custom!" Which we may interpret as the remorseful morning confession of a guilt she had been the victim of over night. She knew that good brandy did n

red, divided in her gue


head bound by a handkerchief; but he had no strength to reply to a question at that

ride in his character, she knew what was meant by his broken whisper before she put her ear to his lips, a

was on his neck and chest. He had one helpless ar

ept repeating, lest she sh

weakness. His face was to the ground; after a while he was still. In alarm the widow stooped over him: she feared that he had given up his last breath; but the candle-light showe

to lift you to a bed, dear. And don't flap at me with your hand like a bird that's shot. You're quite, quite sensible, I know; quite sensible, dear;

assisted by the widow, he sat up against the wall. The change of posture stupified him with a dizziness. He tried

p to the knee with a questioning hand, and pausing as if in a reflective wonder, and then planting them for a spring that failed wr

of a dry door jarring loose. She caught him in her arms: "It's let my back break, but you shan't fret to death there, under my eyes, proud or humble, poor dear," s

" he said boyishl

have to me like a s

slow degrees the s

d, mother-a crack o

he horse,

' the head

ey done to my

e was and throbbing with pain-"they've let out

done it,

done it

poor poll-poor soul! he's been and hurt himself again. And did the

id it,

ar; the rea

er, they had a

baffled woman, with sincere admiration. "And Lord be thanked, if you'r

e about him. and then he lay down and shut his eyes, for the pain was terrible-galloped him and threw him with

ered, "I'm going to

away upon t

ture when she returned

he great things brandy would do; but he motioned his hand from i

sake-only for my sake. Will y


small th


you take it, and all bec

" was all h

herself about it when herself only was concerned-but she wavered at the thought of forcing it upon Robert as

nts in its favour; but his resolu

ve raised his head and poured it down his throat. The crucial test of her love

, opening his eyes to the sad

o; and not to be able to help you

he cried, "Whe


be asking for the

ider. He came like a rumble of deafness in my ears. Oh, my boy, I thought, Is it Robert's horse?- knowing

punch m

flat for the operatio

nd quick!-I can'

ed the petrified w

ibs. Shut your fis

!-I haven't the

; but tightening his muscles ag

make a murderess of me, you call mother! Oh! as I

er, m

oodness f

ou can-all

d there!-o

n at my

her hands, and felt about it. The anguish of the touch wrung a stifled scream fr

r. "Hey! don't ye shake your brain; it ought to lie quiet. And here's the spot of the wicked blow- and him in lo

ted. Quelling her first impulse to scream, she dropped h

crude appliance that could be thought of, the maid followed her mistress's direction

ybody, it's that ther'

ristian you think your

y rep

elp longin' for a choice, mum.

o be. Now come you up after me-and you'll not utter a word. You'll stand behind the door to

ts," Susan protested on beha

. Boulby tossed a sop to

it was really Robert, the beloved of Warbeach, who had come to harm. Her apprehensions not being so lively as her mistress's, by reason of her love being smaller, sh

upon any persuasion to see a doctor quite

hen it would do him good to take it, struck her as an instance of that masculine insanity in the comprehension of which all women must learn to fortify themselves. There

dow blinds up in the morning, if the sun wasn't strong,

he meant to live

it's Robert Eccles. He'd

marvelling at him, with no questi

nst him. I've heard him say, 'It's a fool that holds out against God, and a co

so often, Mum?" Susan ruefully i

e's protected,"

arm, and being directed to Farmer Eccles in the stables, she fo

ee. I thought you would; I'd have sworn you would. Brand

ied, "Robert's sending of me was to k

gs carry him

aciously spared, Mr. E

the liquor fli

clare he hasn't touched a drop of anyth

t good; and I'm given to understand that you've a reputation that way. Just tell h


e widow. "Not when I say he was sober, Mr. E

come for his things: his Aunt Anne's indoors, and she'll give 'em up, and gladly. And my compliments

wn, and if I might presume to say so, Mr. Eccles, you will be proud of him too before you die. I know no m

not astonish

n who's brave besides bei


r he's denied his

g downright disgrace on it, and then any one may claim him that likes I won't give him money, because I kno

line of your duty, sir," t

to," said

ort in that,"

there's need

ain. "It's not to trou

bove!-is not hurt ser

" the farmer aske


ve you c

his be

mer. "Well, if that 'll mend his h

ooks of a man, Mr. Eccles; and it's to look well is his object: for he's not one to make a moan of himself, and doctors may starve before he'd go to any of them. And

Mrs. Boulby. You're

" she murmured to

ed the hat on it, upon which she had neatly pinned a tract, "The Drunkard's Awakening!" Mrs. Boulby glanced her eye in wrath across this superscription, thinking to herself, "Oh, you good people! how you make us long in our hearts for trouble with you."

doubled over a basin, and Su

hours have done it this time. Is it a thaw? You needn't tell me what th

nd no wonder, or how would you be a terror to men? Yo

in the bed, rather white with the effort, which seemed to affec

lass, and Susan being dismiss

n on the bed; "it ain't much for me

e o'clock

" she utte

h a lady,

tell me they didn't fall upon you last night. I said nothi

and there's no need to think at all

head. "Nothing 'll s

ide of me wi

ins escape. But there's no accounting for a man's notions; only, this I say, and I do say it, Nic Sedgett, he's at the bottom of any mi

dn't he? We mustn't complain of

and why the Lord did not make him a beast in face. I


t have yo

"We shall

Mrs. Lovell you're going to meet! and would to heaven she'd

I feel as if my legs had to learn over again how to bear me. The old dad, bless his heart! gave me sound wind an

you still going to be at war

lf with it, felt hang-dog- it was impossible a girl could care for such a fellow as I was. Mother, just listen: she's dark as a gipsy. She's the faithfullest, stoutest-hearted creature in the world. She has black hair, large brown eyes; see her once! She's my mate. I could say to her, 'Stand there; take guard of a thing;' and I could be dead certain of her-she'd perish at her post. Is the door locked? Lock the door; I won't be seen when I speak of her. Well, never mind whether she's handsome or not. She isn't a lady; but she's my lady; she's the woman I could be proud of. She sends me to the devil! I believe a woman 'd fall in love with her cheeks, they are so round and soft and kindly coloured. Think me a fool; I am. And here am I, away from her, and I feel that any day harm may come to her, and she 'll melt, and be as if the devils of hell were mocking me. Who's to keep harm from her when I'm away? What can I do but drink and forget? Only now, when I wake up from it, I'm a crawling wretch at her feet

overwhelmed with mournful devotion to the passionate young man; and she expr

he was accustomed to have it, owing to the bruise on his head, and he stood like a woman petulant with her milliner before the glass; now pressing the hat down till the pain was insufferable, and again trying whether it presented him acceptably in the enforced style of his wearing it. He persisted in this, till Mrs. Boulby's exclamation of wonder admonishe

d's, a relic shaped from the wood of the Royal George; leaning upon which rather more like a Na

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