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Rhoda Fleming -- Volume 4

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 6309    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

btain the cheque and feel the money in his pocket before that day's sun was extinguished. There was a note for five hundred; four note

even if you have worked for it; but if you have done no labour whatever, and still find it there, your sensations (supposing

d in his imaginative contemplation like a grand white-headed warrior, clean from the slaughter and in court-ruffles-say, Blucher at the court of the Waterloo Regent. The Hundre

ried about; but, as it heightened his pleasure, he did confess it for half an instant. Five Hundre

, set his mind upon some stray shillings that he had a remainder of five pounds borrowed from old Anthony, when he endeavoured to obtain repayment of the one pound and interest dating from the night at the theatre. Algernon had stopped his mouth on that point, as well as concerning his acquaintance with Dahlia, by immediately attempting to borrow further, whenever Anthony led t

ony secretly to follow him out of the office, and volu

nthony, "I'v

id Algernon, "u

husband's fallen a bit low." Anthony touched his

in old fellow up, whether he would or not, to the effect

notions o' me. I don't say I shouldn't

Algernon, always shrewd in detecting a weakness. "You'd have to

er his five pounds ten shillings in paper; the former rejoicing at his five pounds in gold. That day was Saturday. On Monday, only a few shillings of the five poun

n he stepped along the walks. A certain equipage, or horse, was to his taste, and once he would have said: "That's the thing for me;" being penniless. No

beholds. A man who is ready to wager a thousand pounds that no other man pr

d alliances. When you can afford to be a bachelor, the case is otherwise. Presently, who should ride by but Mrs. Lovell! She was talki

ting of a finger-a hint on paper-would bring Edward over from Paris, as he knew

ng gold lay over

f, "is, that you're sure of meeting none but gentl

l groups-as discordant a figure as could well be seen, and clumsily aware of it, for he could neither

ndon b'fore; I came here to have a wink at the fash'nables-hang me, if ever I see such a scr

gernon, half mad with rage. "E

at they Races. As for the ladies, I'll tell you what: ladies or no ladies, give my young woman time for her hair to grow; and her colour to come, by George! if she wouldn'

to merciless exposure, and he flew before eyes that his imagination exaggerated to a stretch of supernatural astonishment.

hambers," he

ever at h

rrow mornin

, and kick at it till my toe co

ave you annoying me in

didn't? A plain answer. We had a bit of a scrimmage, coming home. I admit we had; but shaking hands, means 'friends again we are.' I know you're a gentleman, and a

his chambers, and await his coming. Sedgett took the money; but it was five shillings lost. He made no exhibition of receiving orders, and

arry spoke of the Friday's race, and the defection of the horse Tenpenny Nail. A ma

at?" Alge

high dignitary


g, you see, when i

he matter

with an amateur. I'm peculiar. He chose to be absent on the right day last year; so from that date; I consider him absent in toto; "none of your rrrrr-m reckonings, let'

could not help it. The hope was that Sedgett would not have the like audacity, or might be stopped, and Algernon's reward for so just a calculation was, that on

now haunted him, suggested that he had recently tossed five shillings into the gutter. A man might dine on four shillings and sixpence, enjoying a modest half-pint of wine, and he possessed that sum. To pinch h

t it, sir?" said Se

rom his boots upward; so vehement was his

u at that game,

ernal sc

swearing," Sed

you want

t want to go to ne'er a coc

the way into a dusky defile from a main parade of

n' to be confounded: th

s, I must have some mone

have a penn

, self and wife; and quick it must be. There's things to buy on both sides. A small advance and you won't be bothered. Say, fifty. Fifty, and you don't see me t

ofanity of villany increased almost to the d

ll not have a farthing. Be off. If you follow

t." Sedgett e

weakness, by affinity of

ess, by the same sort

rgain good: why sh'd I want fur to break it? I want the money bad. I'm sick o' this country. I'd like to be off in the first ship that sails. Can't you let me ha

ess: and yet the idea of changeing one of the notes and for so infamous a creature, caused pangs that helped him further to endure his dogging feet and filthy tongue. This continued until he saw a woman's hand waving from a cab. Presuming that such a signal, objectionable as it

he boxes and bedding-my goodness! It's a Providence I caught you in my eye, or I should have

ames, I've got one or two

credit to be had? True, he looked contemptuously on the blooming land of credit now, but an entry to it by one of the back doors would have been convenient, so that he might be nouri

ed out her hand-he dro

er gravely reproaching the tobacconist for the growing costliness of cigars, he came into the air, feeling extraordinarily empty. Of this he soon understood the cause, and it amused him. Accustomed to the smell of t

change a note, and I won't dine. I've no Club. There's not a fellow I can se

y in mind that he did no

ay," he remarked in meditation; and then it struck him that Mrs. Lovell's parcel of returned j

e paid, of course; so a jewel must be pawned. Which shall it be? diamond or opal? Change a dozen times and let it be the trinket in the right hand-the opal; let it be the opal. How much would t

ker's shop?" Algernon asked himself when, taking his ticket and the five-and-

kingdom," he said to the pawnbroker, w

pawnbroker was ready to admit it, now

ble to let you

ack as you

counter to look at the opal; and he certainly heard his name pronounced. It enraged him; but policy counselled a quiet behaviour in this place, and no quarrelling with his pawnbroker. Bes

had ordered his being a gentleman. Subsequently, from his having sat so long over his wine without moving a leg, he indulged in the belief tha

inner and wine. "I must forget myself. I'm under some doom. I see it now. Nobody cares for me. I don't know what happiness is. I was born und

he can tell us much, and suggest more. My excuse for dwelling upon him is, that he holds the link of my story. Where fools are numerous, one of them mu

his customary reprimand with submission. This day was after the pattern of

of the colonies? The idea had been gradually taking shape in his mind from the moment that he had possessed the Thousand. Could she not mak

esitated. "Yes, I'll marry her."

th hurrying adjectives, whisk her up to London, and in little more than a week be sailing on the high seas, new born; nothing of civilization ab

gements. One of his fellow-clerks reminded him of a loan he had contracted, and showed him his name written under obligatory initials. He paid it, ostentatiously drawing out one of his fifties. Up came another, with a similar strip of paper. "You don't want me to change this, do you?" said Algernon; and heard a tale of domestic needs-and a grappling landlady. He groaned inw

from the cab, was in Sedgett's company, but Sedgett saw no one. His head hung and his sullen brows were drawn moodily. Algernon escaped from observation. Hi

wonder!" Algernon th

its in a contemptuous rebuke, and confirmed him in his resolution to incur this sort of thing no longer. In consequence, he pro

ing Harry Latters, he might assure him he was coming to his Club, and had been compelled to dine elsewhere

ernon Bl

rmative, to diminish the confiden

eak with

man was tall and large-featured, wit

Samuels, sir," he

s Algernon's c

ing; and let me say, I don't approve of this touti

. Ahem! I dare say you remember an opal you

fectly," said Algernon; cool,

t was fifty-fi

ell, I've

as been pawned for

," said Algernon. "Pawnb

orse than others,

proper weapon, if not the sole resource. He flushed, but was not

pawn it, sir? I'm obli

e to answer impudent questions.

misunderstandings. One of the young men was pre

ose h

d be a w

ealt with Samuels f

ight in saying that this opal is not the first thing coming from our hou

er not," rejo

ant silence by aski

has sent yo

ed at the prod

oiling; and added, "Well, I

proceedings you'd better avoid, s

perceived that indignation at this point was a clever stroke; for the man, while deprecating t

is illegal, and subject to penalties. No tradesman likes it; th

rstand dealing with gentlemen. Pressure comes;" he waved his hand swimmingly; "one wants money, and gets it how one can. Mr. Samuel

t, sir?" said t

pal-that is to say, for

hang! never mind.

uttering five on the table, and pus

ted, and refus

finger. It's a lady's ornament; and soon after you obtain it from us; you make use of it by turning it into cash. It's a case for a criminal prosecution, which, for the sake of your relati

ernon; "you'd have


ing from his own affrighted sensations, and the man's impassive face, Al

of Perdition; but this was hot experience. He and the man m

ean?" he

halves. When a tradesman says he must h

n Mr. Samu


a dete

n in the se

. Samuels had accompanied you, I would have discharged the debt: It's only fair that

his purse and displayed

rt. The impassive man likew

n. If you will do me the honour, sir, to run up with me to Mr. Samuels' shop?

nically crumpl

you what-the exposure would damage Mister Samuels most materially. Of course, my father would have to settle the matter; but Mister-Mister Samuels would not recover so easily. He'd be glad to refund the five hundred-what is it?-and twenty-five-why not, 'and sixpe

n a slight demonst

, that w

Algernon; "half the bill

t Mr. Samuels asked for, and h

y like one of his own watches," Algernon sneered vehemently.


e three hundred, and he shall have it. As to my enter

Samuels' position have to ru

at his breast-pocket. The action resulted in an exhibition of a seco

y, sir. It isn't the full sum he wants; it's a portion

the jeweller, there was no more fight in Algerno

n's hand with great apparent scrupulousnes

it from the enemy's grasp; and with a "one, two, three," banged his hun

gly, "did Mr. Samuels k

ses. Hows'-ever, I'm, so to speak, in Mr. Samuels' pay. A young gentleman in debt, give him a good fright, out comes his money, if he's got any. Sending of a bill receipted's a good trying touch. It's a compliment to him to suppose he can pay. Mr. Samuels, sir, wouldn't go issuing a warrant: if he could, he wouldn't. You named a warrant; that set me up to it. I shou

o arms on the table, sobbed desperately; seeing himself very distinctly reflected in

p. Six hundred and fifty pounds of the money remained intact; and he was joyful. He struck a light to look at his watch: the watch had stopped;-that was a bad sign. He could not forget it. Why had his watch stopped? A chilling thought as to wh

ed a voice on the landing of

s Sed

ion to strangle, and anot

er for your return from your la

se," Alger

we shall be having shindies. You saw how she caught me out of a cab. She's sure to be in the place where she ain't wanted. She goes to America. I've got to pay her passage, and mine too. Here's the truth: s

t, and I will have fifty; I don't want to utter ne'er a threat. I want the money, and if you don't give it, I break off; and you mind this, Mr. Blancove: you don't come off s' easy, if I do

without a light, save the ga

by thinking that the money had only anticipated its destination as arranged, and it became a partial gratification t

were so manifestly in the hands of fate, t

hy of a passing thought. In a postscript, he asked: "Are there, on your oath, no letters for m

cost a dozen to our one," he remarked. On his way to the City, he had to decide whether he would go to the Bank, or take the train leading to Wrexby. He chose the latte

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