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The mafia's maid

Chapter 3 The mafia's maid

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 19/08/2021


g, Ashley decided to re

he bar and Amelia

over to sister. "Let's go back we m

ottie I'll just be here drink

tioned before turning to the Bartender, "Dude give us some

urned to get her order but not wit

are drooling over you." She smiled b

as a pinkish drink with a pink

Amelia said the

ill you?" Ashle

laughed but it was short as

f eyes she's ever seen. A pair of amber bro

That's all he's got to do as Amelia forgot all ab

l fell on deaf ears as it seemed Amelia was in

is broad shoulders over

Ashley for dance but sh

s she was all alone without Amelia and it

rrari and got in. Probably that st

n mind, she


right could not suppress the noise she

il given to her, she still knows she's going to

e brightly on her face that she had to hide her face under her

irritated her more. It became unbea

he yelled while fu

ow that she's awake, she co

. I cry from

her bed and down the stairs still on the

ther talking with two police officers whistle tr

ng? Why's the polic

towards her but one of the offi

hat happened last night. You need to answer our questi

statement officer?"

rom an anonymous caller telling your father he'

n her wildest dreams will she ever think

nd both her parents were too friendly and nice to have

eed your cooperation to help find your sister." The

ave your sister like tha

er car. She's the one who left me on my own at the party and I had no

ued crying while mustering some things abou

d she directed her attention back to

ten to your mother, you have no fault in this."

t processed ev

earing the officers and he

she burst out cryi

't have left her there

blame yourself dear, your mother is stupid just l

t to continue when the sound of an incoming c

shed towards the phone but allowed


ame from the other

ughter back, trust me. My problem is with you actually and I won't rest until you s

regory yelled. "It is you

kie mistake and placed

anyone, it must be a mistake or I did it inten

ng both you," he directed at Mr. Gregory, "And you miss Ashley

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