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My Wife's Lover Got A Beautiful Girlfriend

Chapter 3 ★

Word Count: 741    |    Released on: 21/08/2021

room saying no one was there. Then, lo and Behold, the old man was sitting on the bed half naked. He pounded himself on he

his hand. From this day, she vowed to stop the reckl

buring for just one person, Damon Lime. She picked her phone and decided to dial

ead and determined it was coincidental. Then, she went ahead to try it again and of course, as she got

again. This time, it rang but Damon tossed it off and deepe

was right in front of her eyes kissing another woman. As she walked towards th

ress, he deepened it even thought they were at the reception. A

d Damon on his back. It was then he disengaged the kiss and looked at h

that it turned to the side. She raised her hand again and slapped him twice again.

ned the slap but Damon stopped her an

one? You were fucking my ex best friend?! You're such an animal and you disgust me, both of you". She pointed at Cleo and walk

pains away. She and Damon had been dating since highschool and even when her parents died, she never for once told him about her

er own bestfriend who was marrie

. Cleo was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe her husband was there at the spot. Wh

p the fucking union so bad but she dared not

rm. With this, he walked out of the hotel giving Cleo an

ces Damon wi

and walked out leaving Damon to the fate

st of the story wa

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