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A Girl

Chapter 4 Death Squad

Word Count: 1102    |    Released on: 16/09/2021

illed with questions like .is it that dangerous? Or is he exaggerating? What will happen if Edward knows this? Or he already kn



He knows that gopi had some connections with project manager and CEO also had a good impression on him. That's what he heard from

mething. so he came to look for gopi because its not his style even though higherups

ng tom and jerry with this project "its the reply what he got from gopi.He don't understand what he


seeing harshad edward asked "today is boring nothing is happ

. but by listining harshad said he saw and said to edward "dont get allover there all stil

about the project how much its effected he was so determined to

ment but he determined to know about that

eak the information. Srikar didn't say anything about the project but he said ok with

ina. All the old shareholders are informed about thei


is playing video games and other is working and just then srikar said in loud voice ."I just got a call from o

rd what he said she thought its time to face him, iam not that fragile

cause she always say i wont come and they know she was av

that Katrina make "Hmm" sound and became quiet. Room became suddenly silent no one dared to eat then suddenly katrina sa

id. "how come he didn't see you" edward asked .For that katrina replied "he was with his gir


rd what if its his doing .We cannot underestimate him. He is the CEO of a company that to in young age sure he got some tricks ".By listing that Bright said "No no he didn't know anything b

one mad i wont be with you. its better for me not to be with you guys".one of the share holder sai

arshad asked bright "are you sure you want to be with me".

groups in the world you are quiet determined to kill him this time i think". bright said ."yes i was pretty mu

g for the edward's death. I think he wi

this time they will arrive here i already messaged them to meet us here".

t with metallic buttons can be seen . When he is approaching they can sense a killing a

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