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Broken With My Mother In Law

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 27/08/2021

tion and answered the phone. This is my other work. Answering phone calls for Dr. Berthai

ait a minute? See you at home." The aunt at the oblique rear of the station is calling home. She is old and wear

I let the aunt go first. I took her unfin

that she could get off work early. She then took

a smile. They were all nice so w

ffy bags under his eyes and stooped waist, looked like h

" He is holding a pa

, what hav

rge said with his mouth wide open and his eyes ro

he contents, and my heart was a little disgusted. As George walked

busy writing on the computer in front of me that I didn't notice ano

he invited me and since I was shy, I declined her saying I prepared for my lunch when in fact, I plan to

I sigh and proceed on my day. I w


emplating whether I should answer her or not since the article I am reading is so interesting, I am afraid that it will disappear

doing anything today. Yes.

ething to do later, I decided to take a nap fir

s for a party. The party was crowded. She was so busy that she called me and Dylan to h

e chopping board in front of her was full of many

e have left." She said, throwing two overalls for us to change and starting her work agai

it?" Dylan put on his apron and held a wall post beside him in a positio

n you." Elena lo

lena. He's still playing a fashion show the

urpose of his coming, he said "I'm sorry" and

am serious and not playing around. They also know how to shut up or slow do

stened my apron and asked

name." Elena handed each of us a plate of shrimp

is name is

of the restaurant a few meters away with food, and I saw the

food, and did not forget to look back at him. He was chatting with

and tried to find the person I was talk

I met, he

d our heads out from behind the dinin

nder what circumstances will there be such an opportunity?" I c

o," Dylan said

id methodically. She works in this restaurant. It's not surprising that she knows this

ked, really cu

nce, and with Elena's affirmative tone, I remembered that I happened to meet this man i

an said. In fact, his tall nose, deep eyes and

t the man, I re-end the plate of shrimp balls towards him, his handsome face, strong posture, I slightly bowed my head, around him round and rou

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