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Sandra Belloni -- Volume 5

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 3494    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

im with three fingers over her lips. The morning was cold; frost edged the flat brown chestnut and beech leaves lying about on rimy grass; so at

out, if you think you ar

she replied, in a visib

ver in an hou

m on what expedition she was bound whilst they were riding. The accompaniment of the wheels, however, necessitated a higher pitch of her voice, which apparently caused her to suffer from a contraction of the throat, for she remained silent, with a discouraged aspect, her full brown eyes showing as in

ies," said Sir Purcell, whose spirits were enlivened b

uel weather!" Her eyelids blinke

was warm in his offer of his arm to her, for he had seen her wistfully touching what money sh

"I must know wha

no quiet place in this Ci

me: you are close to a quiet place. Through that door, and the hall, you wil

owing his indication, soon found themselves in a most perfect retreat, the solitude of

have determined to go

o pay for me. It's my

ike a beggar. I must g

don't fe

at the simplicity o

h me! He is sure to be very angry-I thought you might protect me from that. But when he hears t

is chambers are to be f

kills me. Pray make haste. Dear friend, I trouble you very much, but I want to get away fr

the adjustment of her shawl, and to anything else, as far as she might choose to apprehend him. Her dexterity in tossing him the lett

shred of impurity hung about one who had even looked on his beloved, was utter anguish to the keen sentimentalist. "Be very careful," he would have repeated, but that he had a warning

d as they were passing through the hall of entrance they met the same gentleman who had directed them to the spot of quiet. Both she and Sir Purcell heard him say to

ending why she was alone. "Sandra Belloni!" struck her ear. Looking forward she perceived a hand and a head gesticulating from a cab- window. S

aring Emilia's most irritating "Ho

You send me to Paris! t

s your joke, meess! I j

ire-till a letter from

ol-of you al

s intimidated, though the forehead of Mr. Pericl

in!" cried


softly: "M

ts to the lady in person, and beg an excuse from her lips. Sir Purcell stood white with a futile effort at self-control, as one of them, preluding "Pardon me," said: "I had the misfortune to remark to my friend, as I passed you, 'There she is.' Ma

ge my folly, in supposing you would regret or apologize fittin

the word of pardon from Emilia to cover his retreat. She gave it with an air of thorough-bred repose, saying, "I willingly pardon you,

the way, drawing his hand down across his jaw, to efface the hard pale w

om they were in, and the heap of unopened letters,-"I am

anded chairs t

ate, is it no

he snapped at her, imm

th a charmi

d Emilia. "We were just coming to you-to find

Pericles, clasping the hollow of his

Miss Belloni has said is perfect

ort bow. "It is ze sam

st come from Ita

e favour to send me

aly and this!" Emilia turned her

ricles, after which the three

luntly, "I have come t


rcell leaned forward to her with a ga

ke me?" pers

refused either to loo

"I want to go at once; to-day, if you lik

lating, "What a fog! Ah!" and that was

in Emilia's ear, "Have you cons

a journey," Emilia r


her wis

r mo

o make him take t

en Chartreuse, smelling strong of pines. His visitors declined to eject the Lon

old Belloni,"

ng with my fath

es shed a baleful g

ng with Sig

a conspirator, aha! Is it for an artist to conspire, and be carbonaro, and kiss books, and, mon Dieu! bon! it is Marini plays me zis trick. I mark him. I mark him, I say! He is paid by young Pole. I hold zat family in my hand, I say! So I go to be met by you, and on I go to Italy. I get a letter at Milano,- "Marini stop me at Dover,"


. Pericle

e h

is injuries sustained, and, pitching into a chair, pressed his fingers to his temples, frowning attention.

" cried Mr. Pericle

se Austrians did to you. I want to hear; I am very anxious to hear. And what they said of my

structions for ze procur

tonio Pericles Agriol

u must have heard in It

sing after them.

jolery of her tones, but she had got Mr.

z, and if I go to a goose-yard I hear better. Oh, yes! it is tune-"ta-ta-ta-ti-ti-ti-to!" and

er Art, but now the pathetic appeal to her took away her strength, and tears rose in her eyes at the thought of his fait

turn upon her spitefully. "she will be vapeurs, nerfs, I know not! when it wants a physique of a

ld not withstand the signal. "Sempre;"-there came two struggling note

rself oddly cal

Pericles postured an i

ltered. "It's the fog. I cannot

ing, in a sad mechanical way painful to witness. Sir Purcell stretched his hand out to her, but she did not take it. She was listening to voices at the door. Was it really Mr. Pole who was there? Quite unaware of the effect the sight of her would produce on him, E

a lady in there, we must postpone, I suppose. Say, this

erify to his startled understanding that he had seen her, than with an exclamation of "All right! good-bye!" he began a rapid descent, of

about us, and we stand forth to be dissected unresistingly. All Emilia's vital strength now seemed to vanish. At the renewal of Mr. Pericles' peremptory mandate for her to sing, she could neither appeal to him, nor re

flat!" he ca



r nostrils convulsively take in a long breath, as if for speech, but it is expended in one quick vacant sigh, you know how Emilia looked. An

Mr. Pericles ca

to give one simple run of notes, a contralto octave, he stood over he

owed. "she is ruined. I have suspec

r attempt. The deplorable sound that cam

id Mr. Pericles, after an observation

ngly loud and harsh tha

to repeat it-pardon

ady: you will have a place at ze Conservatorio. No: she refuse. I say 'Go, and you are a queen. You are a Prima at twenty, and Europe is beneas you.' No: she refuse, and she is ruined. 'What,' I

she raised herself, and then uncovering her face, looked f

e spoke, as if mentally b

and you know why, Mad

es ret

t be gone. Gone?

wretchedness of loss it suggested, robbed her of the little spark of n

re," she appealed t

ment he was laughing horribly. Emilia, to make sure of the thing she dreaded, forced the note, and would not be denied. What voice there was in her came to the summons. It issued, if I may so express it, ragged, as if it had torn through a briar-hedge: then there was a whimper of tones, and the effect was like the lamentation of a h


I must b

er the fashion of c

still too domin

ountry must be saved

ther has been heari

voice! Emilia had cr

awe of the w

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