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Pregnant For My Bully

Chapter 4 Jason

Word Count: 1454    |    Released on: 28/08/2021

ed my hand on my jacket, as if I'd just touched a ball of cow t

ette to my lips once more. "You're supposed to meet

her gaze cast to her shoes. "I went out to the field and didn't find you th

ally, she was right. We weren't su

ke hitched in my throat, momentarily choking me. Doubled over, I c

fespan by eleven minutes everyday

I sputtered, embarrassed by the situa

g my throat occasionally, the cough reflex behind my

would've never happened," I sai

k at me. "I wasn't the one tha

rom me and she l

nt straight to the point, stubbing out t

e of two notebooks. I flung the sheet toward her and then pulled out today

n her hand, she

I get a B?" I co

w," she answ

ly, I reached forward a

tepping back, a han

n just thump you, trust me." I told her. "So, f

eyes. Ignoring them, I held today

he tears shining brightly in her eyes. Knowin

o me, geek?" I said. "You wanna thump

ept s

ed, and, at once, she

do to me, Amelia?"

he first streak of tea

t's not what it seeme

o anything," she m

ing back from her. "T

on my homework paper again," and walked away, back onto the fiel

, from dad—into the curved driveway of the mansio

to the valet before heading on toward the huge, oak front d

evenly spaced living room, with its plush couches,

d Ashley at a corner of the room, standing before one of the windows. Dad was direc

d adjusted it so it sat properly on her neck. Turning a

hen the kiss held on for much long

I dropped my backpack to the floor with a dull thud. At onc

saw it was me, his face flushed. "You'r

nded early,

, Ashley slinking up

," she sm

I said, "It's Jason. I've told you

, "speak to your

I snorted. "Who's barely

seven," Ashl

said, "eleven years

p that," Da

its your way, dad," I frowned. "You and me, we're

honey," Ashley pouted, clin

not going anywhere," Dad said to me, "the s

"Ashley's not my mom and will never be. She's just you

ed up the windy, marbled stairc

d not Ashley," he ordered, now st


you for the rest of the school year. No parties in the house, no going to parties, no

k at him. "You

, in a low voice, one that sign

ng mother," I yelled. "

e, boy, before I come over there an

gize to your mother



teeth, I fis

id, through c

d like you're sorr

my gaze fell on Ashley,

. "Apology

before looking back

he stairs and straight to my room. I banged the door behi

, heading over to my bed and plopping down on i

moms already. I was done with that. I was sick and tired of the pretentious, gold

d if I hadn't convinced her to take me to David's party that Friday evening. If Amelia

home did the same. I couldn't be anywhere and be happy. At school, I had to dea

r how long I cou

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1 Chapter 1 Amelia2 Chapter 2 Amelia3 Chapter 3 Jason4 Chapter 4 Jason5 Chapter 5 Amelia6 Chapter 6 Amelia7 Chapter 7 Amelia8 Chapter 8 Amelia9 Chapter 9 Jason10 Chapter 10 Jason11 Chapter 11 Amelia12 Chapter 12 Amelia13 Chapter 13 Amelia14 Chapter 14 Amelia15 Chapter 15 Amelia16 Chapter 16 Amelia17 Chapter 17 Amelia18 Chapter 18 Amelia19 Chapter 19 Amelia20 Chapter 20 Amelia21 Chapter 21 Amelia22 Chapter 22 Amelia23 Chapter 23 Amelia24 Chapter 24 Amelia25 Chapter 25 Amelia26 Chapter 26 Amelia27 Chapter 27 Jason28 Chapter 28 Jason29 Chapter 29 Jason 30 Chapter 30 Amelia31 Chapter 31 Amelia32 Chapter 32 Jason33 Chapter 33 Jason34 Chapter 34 Jason35 Chapter 35 Amelia36 Chapter 36 Jason37 Chapter 37 Jason38 Chapter 38 Amelia39 Chapter 39 Jason40 Chapter 40 Amelia41 Chapter 41 Jason42 Chapter 42 Amelia43 Chapter 43 Jason44 Chapter 44 Jason45 Chapter 45 Amelia46 Chapter 46 Amelia47 Chapter 47 Jason48 Chapter 48 Amelia49 Chapter 49 Jason50 Chapter 50 Amelia51 Chapter 51 Jason52 Chapter 52 Jason53 Chapter 53 Jason54 Chapter 54 Amelia55 Chapter 55 Jason56 Chapter 56 Amelia57 Chapter 57 Jason58 Chapter 58 Amelia59 Chapter 59 Jason60 Chapter 60 Amelia61 Chapter 61 Jason62 Chapter 62 Amelia63 Chapter 63 Jason64 Chapter 64 Amelia65 Chapter 65 Jason66 Chapter 66 Amelia67 Chapter 67 Jason68 Chapter 68 Amelia69 Chapter 69 Jason70 Chapter 70 Amelia71 Chapter 71 Jason and Amelia72 Chapter 72 Jason73 Chapter 73 Amelia74 Chapter 74 Jason75 Chapter 75 Amelia76 Chapter 76 Jason77 Chapter 77 Amelia78 Chapter 78 Jason79 Chapter 79 Amelia80 Chapter 80 Jason81 Chapter 81 Jason82 Chapter 82 Amelia83 Chapter 83 Jason84 Chapter 84 Amelia85 Chapter 85 Jason86 Chapter 86 Amelia87 Chapter 87 Amelia88 Chapter 88 Jason89 Chapter 89 Amelia90 Chapter 90 Jason91 Chapter 91 Amelia92 Chapter 92 Amelia93 Chapter 93 Jason94 Chapter 94 Amelia95 Chapter 95 Jason96 Chapter 96 Jason97 Chapter 97 Amelia98 Chapter 98 Amelia99 Chapter 99 Jason100 Chapter 100 Amelia