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Fated To Love You

Chapter 2 Home Sweet Home

Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 29/08/2021


the huge plane finally landed plus an hou

that you would think of a model dressed in pastel Armani fitted jeans and long sleeve white folde

not return immediately after four years of studying fashion design at

id in the Philippines. Its good thing after I received my certificate degree in fashion and Design I

rt of NAIA where a private helicopter owned by her family wa

She will admit that she missed the Philippines. Especia

pilot met her

ment as soon as he reached her luggage. She expects

somehow older pilot avoided looking at

he pilot on their hacienda so they consider him a

on the ground not far from the mansion of the Buensucesos. It wil

en selfish to the people with her for not coming home

the sea, the cattles and horses inside the hacienda. Emera

saw him standing at the spacious doo

hugged the youngest child, God know

ow much her father missed her, he only called her sunshine when his fat

ad, I mis

visiting my son for five years?" There

said with a bow and

n France two years ago they wouldn't have meet her father. And hi

y Lorie who was quietly c

since she was born, is now already back home, which is also the day of

ged her tightly by Aling Lorie whom she conside

much nanny" c

you have jetlag, I'll just wake you up with Aling Lori

ally the princess of the hacienda is already home.The mansion

om, Emerald immediat

py memories during her childhood, abruptly tears roll

rawer and sits on the bedsi

he more she tried to forget him the more she realized that the man she wanted to

it, but it was too late, here she was she h

whispered to herself while looking at the c

ald heard a faint knock

..." her n

en" she muttered while

aw what on her lap, it was the drawer containing various

time, she sat next to Emerald and at

't keep it a secret because she had an open book with her nanny

Corazon was still alive, her youngest child would

down for a whil

t dinner time, your daddy just sent this your fav

ya lorie handed the glass

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