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Stalking The Author

Stalking The Author


Chapter 1 Crazy Stalker

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 31/08/2021

slumped on the sofa wh

genie, you got two more

at her which she

mma, my loyal cousin asked as she patiently s

ch onto my honey b

nd continue mixing her vodka orange with a

u don't thi

repeating the words within second

mma. You're j

ional already! your mom and dad will drag you

ssed mom

sed knowing my belly is too weak

crispiness and the juices that flow when we sink our teeth into those drums

. Some people have to work you know." I squinted my eyes at my

f time before this week ended." She sh

s before she continues the work on her laptop and

k. I was biting my lip, reading in anticipation of what's to come as the suspense build. Then

ng the nastie

f I am, so what? I'm twenty-three, I'

onal assistant who has a boss that's making her slave for her work.

es Gemma, that boss of yours is taking adva

as if it was coffee that's go

er, I'm not like you who has parents that

y field. I just need the right time and

! how the hell do you call that a vision?

eem to help myself as my mind wan

ly draw perfect figures and he is it."

while I get another beer from the fridge, and decides

talk him since his agent is ve

jeans. His facial expression looked bored when the picture was

es his well-defined jawline, wishi


essed but who can blame m

from different authors. I was binge reading the books, but none barely made it to t

is books, even the ones he writes under different pen names. I

him personally for a weekly call. And he has never once considered me as a weird

am. Just

I've been te

Brice's drawings plastered on a

ainter friend Brenton Adams, he has been trying to get me to

ented painter and Gwen woul

she committed suicide years back and both of us were blaming ourselves for the longest t

creativity was still

nts his feelings away, while I buried mys

forget about what happened to Gwen. I was her best


have stuff to do tonight." I lied easily then ended the call.

s I like about him. His mysterious side. His lack of updates was proba

ith his female companions to update his social media for his fans

I will be able to p

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