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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 602    |    Released on: 02/09/2021

ith the virus mutating as it ran through such large populations but it never really was left out for too long. We were locked up, together, quarantined with such deranging humans that had no

ons, with the fighter jets in the skies. No-one got in or out once it

hope that we weren't also with the virus. We needed survive on our own instincts, strength and ability. The fragile ones never lasted too long, giving up faster than they ought to. And sometimes, even your instincts did no good. Because instincts is that tingling gut feeling that could turn out very wr

ing deads themselves, feeding off and refueling ourselves w

nd pollutants and they will add more hot sauce. Tell them that over half of the plastic garbage is related to commercial fishing, that it is highly dangerous to marine life, and they just stare. These are the zombies and the plague of emotional indifference is the virus. Tell them that slavery is used to make fish che

for they have decayed into a state that may only detect hunger and seek to

ers got to bickering and simple steps to save lives were missed and we cou

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