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Unholy matrimony

Unholy matrimony


Chapter 1 one

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 04/09/2021


ng soup from the pot for me

g the meat and chicken ste

as stupid as your mother nwata nwanyi


her as she took plate as she took some meat

? Should I make eba? Amala? Or fufu?"

and make it soft because

the plate".I muttered to m

d you ju

t for you".I said with a

?".My stepsister jasmine

er shapeless curves as she put on lipstick like she's not

ow, maybe y

held my cheeks looking at her over ca

know your use in this house".She said clap

hoe do you want to wear Today

abi? I want the one that has that poi

at's why I pass her in Engli

showing her the heels as s

nt me to do somethi

ed again as I walked

Henry and Paul the womani

f them as their eyes trailed on m

said pointing at the remote on t

with some tinko joor". Henry said

hundred for the snacks for your friend

silly girl?"Paul asked t

houted again as I ran t

the stew huh? Why are you so la

lling me that's why, I'm sorry pleas

ushed me on the floor"Next time you leave the kitchen without

nt to take some yam powder from the pantry

as I opened the door to see it

asked as I took his bag

they're u

me a glass

ater for Amala down as I walked to the d

p mother saud hugging my da

h a top and her clothes were wet lik

ing like this?".My father

to play with her brother and si

he kitchen alone huh?".He a

family more now what did you bring for

s my supposed brother and sister came downstairs and

o". Jasmine shouted

ather passed me some nylons and the

him as he nodded, I walked to my ro

it's on the dinning tabl

go?"she said as she leads e

ban from eating in the dinning with humans Acc

I ran to the dinning room

n errands today is that true?".

, I did

er is lying?".He growled at


s I did exactly what he said as I g

whip me on the butt as I know bette

d in pain as I cried glanci

he ground holding my butt crying as Ja

sending my daughter work mtcheww."

ways the food is very delicious so take this".

sitting on the floor holdin

It's not fair like you sai

ning table and took the plates, I w

ay I go to bed?".I asked as my fa

.He g

y bed drifting off to sleep after

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