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The Kings Little Faeling

Chapter 4 Those aren't my pixies

Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

e Falls


t gradually fade into another. No, i

There was a narrow trail that ran along its side, gradually descending for us to traverse. I wanted to protest and ask that we go another way. I was t

th Fallon on his mount Eos in the lead. There was so much growth and jutting rocks e

n plant life and grey rock faces. When we finally neared the bottom, I could see the face and hands of a woman

the lake. They seemed curious about us and kept popping out of the water to watch us. One of the women smiled at Fallon and crooked a finger beckoning him. He smile

water sounds had been working on my bladder

ide Fallon, and

water s

I re

oh. You like to sa

I wouldn’t know how to put any of it in proper words. So “Oh” might b

ing” He said wit

if we were going to take a

d my face

stop there so you can use it. Can you

at he had guessed my problem. I had never been around me

this realm? Well, besides the shades, I mean. Po

. I never had a lot of girlfriends and never did the bathroom girl g

t.” Said Tilly and they flew around t

e quick,” said Poppy

craziness of this dream as I did my business. It felt like I’d been holding it for hours. I was lacing my pants

hem off, but there were so many of them, and they were little bloodsuckers. They latched onto me

slapping. I threw myself against the cave

p into the cave. I felt pulses in the air, and the shade pixies screamed an


ook off toward the cave where Fawn was. I hopped on Eos and chased aft

nging, becoming bigger, faster, and my fangs were filling my mouth. I saw the two pixies lying just inside the cave bleeding, but

ody. “It’s okay, girl, let me check her out.” Arryn was visibly agit

ere. She was bleeding out from so many wounds. Wise walked up behind me, and I heard his sharply indrawn breath. “Wise, this is serio

the pixies and put them in Arryn’s saddlebags. I’ll go let my Elk go

ack, where I had noticed a strange birthmark earlier, it was glowing. Then a t

her out of the cave where Wise was in his giant form, waiting. He picked u

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