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My Werewolf Heartbeat

My Werewolf Heartbeat

Author: Riteresa

Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 1425    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

ny other people will never forge

beautiful day which was perfect for

s the worst d

as rowdy and filled with ladies carrying happy and excited faces. They were all d

urged me to stand and display my beautiful wedding gown, expensive heel, a

ing". "You're s

ch didn't seem to lift my mood, but

ting beauty that everyone saw in me, but i couldn't see anything else but a poor depressed frightened girl who will forever be haunted by her past and what the future held for her. The smile i wore on m

e tortured image at my front,

s, i found myself alone, still standin

e temperature was a steady twenty eight degrees, I felt as cold as ice. My teeth were clattering and my entire b

in a familiar darkness. After a few seconds, warm tears escap

le of bringing light to my darkness. I felt him around me. His presence intoxicated me. I could feel his hands on my shoulder and his fingers slowly trailing my bo

muscular chest, a place which i

only to see the opposite of what i had felt. IT WAS THE DEVIL HIMSELF.

t, and felt the worst kind of irritation. H


said "I was thinking of a person yo

p until it began to bleed, he retreated and winced in pain, as blood flowed from his lip. He cleaned the blood with his fingers and glared at me, his fa

ith his fist up and directed at me,

and dashed out of the room,

him walk out of the room, before

me a long look with disgust

y a dirty slap which left me deaf for a few seconds, before

u, you have no gratitude towards us. Whether you like it or not, you'll pay

ond in this world and clothe it with the best dressings, a pig will always remain a pig." She held my face roughly with her sharp nails piercing my chin, "If you're still confused, let me elaborate what's going to happen henceforth. You belong to him, you're not just going to be his mate, you're going to

s i heard from Mrs. Lockwo

happened, i had found an escape from my nightmare. An escape to a place where i wouldn't be anyone's o

nd beautiful gardens. The room door which led to the sunny gardens was opened and the mild summer breez

name and the Devil's name on it. I smashed the cake with my fist and pushed it off the table onto the hairy w

ot here, but somewhere else." Those were the last words i said before i slammed the knife int

ed with my blood and his eyes wet with tears. I couldn't hear anything anymore but i read his lips. He was sc

lesh, which spiraled pain throughout my body. No one needed to tell

LOVE. Staring at his desperate figure, and feeling my unbearable pain, m

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