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The Badboy's Hometown Princess

Chapter 4 Already Impressed

Word Count: 1798    |    Released on: 09/09/2021


houted looking at my m

houts. She kept cleaning ute

n go. I’m not stopping yo

hen shouted “Stella! They invited everyone. Zach and Charlo

ut the actual reason was I didn’t want to go

otte will definitely become sad if you won’t come t

to her. I didn’t want to mak

sick.” I told my mom

re to see you.” My mom said


lie to my

took an apple from the basket but before

ve ap

asket. I looked at my mom and aske

g to me and asked “So y

her option?” I

le laugh and said “No

” I asked rais


air and shouted “Fi

my bedroom but my walk was interrupted when someone rang the doorbell


out. I feel bored.” She turned

her saying “I

out shouting

t my mom and gr

I’ll make pancakes for you. Wee

ce to fill my little stomach mo

o roam the town. We both strolled to the cafe where we usually go. We began drinking cappuccino while gossiping about things.

” Anna

?” I asked l

I saw them. As soon as I s

days? When will you co

en dare to

ued drinking my coffee while Anna kept

ry’s house today. They

o? If yes then plea

fed and said “I’m finding for excuses to not go th

ace and I started lau

w. If Roman is coming t

me. After few minutes of roaming t

lse will be going there. She rep

evening, I woke up hearing the knock on my bedroom door. La

oking at her wit

orget that we are going somewhere?

ll clock and noticed the time as 6.

get ready.” She litera

towel around my body. I took out a white full length maxi and wore it. By

house and got down of the car. It’s a big building with a great entryway which looked like aisle with grass on either side of it. Everyone there

feel Harry’s gaze on me. Ignoring him, I tuned my face to other side. My mom and dad was behaving like they were

us.” Granny sai

t to lie she held my hand and said

nded me of my grandma wh

” I said lo

were involved in their talk with Harry’s parents. I enjoyed granny’s talk. I loved her presence. W

for granddaughter but it didn’t happen. It would be cool right? Talking and

ave granddaughter? Co

o me. She then hugged me sudden


one began talking about their college days leaving Harry and I. I was looking around the house and wanted to roam the whole building. Granny noticed my wish and sh

are a patient. You shou

to study well. Walking is good for th

w her the house.” H

ng to him and crossed my arms

ning face as my expression changed

t’s wrong?”

mean it’s fine. He do

my grandma?” He asked w

I don’t

’ll sho

tens.” Granny

. Granny! Let’s go to living

’s me, you are not okay. You are insulting

the perfect example of the bad boy yet you are sa

. You are insulting Zach and Charlotte’s so

I let out a sigh fr

take rest. Harry w

at me and started sh

eate a scene?”

ld’ve accepted in

n front of a room. He opened th

rame that occupied most of the wall hung behind the bed. I even glanced

er in.” He s

o.” I said and

I kept switching my deadly glare to his face and to his hand that caught my wrist. He left

d gritting my teeth. I didn’t mean to say tha

s me which made me gulp in fear. He stood in front of me and leaned in without to

and said “You look

e and said “You don’t need to make yourself look beautiful to im

ress a douchebag.” I shou

om. I sat silently beside granny and I was so i

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