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Chapter 4 04 - Let's Start the Game

Word Count: 1342    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

speechless, as tears run down her face uncontrollably. Hanie and Caroline slowly approach t

Xion growls as he clenches his fists. Car

if you don't want to be burnt," Ca

hing after what that bastard di

ngrily. Hanie prevents Caroline from replying to Xion's angry wo

e to take later," Hanie says softly as she rubs Xion's back. The man jerks Han

that bastard. He sexually harass

library in a hurry, filled with

ng silently. Hanie and Carol

a whispers. Both Hanie and Caroline choose to remain

answer. Only Aderaldo an

new friend. Hanie's own heart feels torn seeing Aderaldo's actions, which does not seem like

who assaulted his best friend in front of his eyes. Xion really ca

angry, not only mad that the man assaulted Naara, but also angry with himself for failing to protect Naara as Naara's

He is confused and angry. He also wants to know who the bastard is. Why did Caroline and Ha

r parked in the courtyard of the administration building. It's a red Ferrari Pininfarina Sergio which, of course, is quite priceless. Xion k

e watching and not chasing after him?

ne are kind enough to take her home, otherwise who knows what might happen to Naara. Naara washes her face and rubs her lips harshly many times. She is very upset

s sake, I hate you so much, you bastard!" c

This is really awfu

t it was. She is dead curious and quite worried about her life right now. Her new friend said that she is surrounded by a black aur

gone just like th

ng that man anymore. I will never

s to go to college. Not only because he is thirsty for knowledge, but the man also has a strong desire to have a woman who is still in the world of education. A beautiful student who is competent and, of course, has an attractive appearance. No ugly-looking woman has ev

ted to kiss those lips aga

ips taste so sweet, or is she made

me has started, and you should enjoy it,

to find out who Tibra Xion is. Give me the full detai

ong fingers. As long as there is mone

n last in the game with me." While he's deep in thought, suddenly there is a knock on the door

rns out to be one-sided. Aderaldo's reaction is unusual. His cheerful face a

need?" asks A

d today? You're not as warm

st my employee. If you don't have any business to discuss, it's better to get out of my sight," says

a hisses, slamming some

come back again. You're f

ing, right? I got fired

! You're disgusting!" snaps Aderaldo. Without even wasting ten seconds, Sandara chooses to leave Aderaldo's office imme

. Aderaldo take

ting at all, not challenging!" mu

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