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Alpha's True Luna

Chapter 2 Excerpt

Word Count: 602    |    Released on: 15/09/2021

the terrifying figure that to her utmost surprise, drained the b

was also the son of Marlene, the woman wh

good portion of his blood out of him till he eventually died and she had just stood there helpless; not because she couldn't have helped but because everythi

g that happened as her legs stood still and h

e had a different kind of teeth that she didn't think any human or werewolf did. His teeth had grown longe

as he couldn't do anything to sa

round, looking lifeless and completely p

at they're actually capable of?' she wondered t

of his lips with his hands and smiled at her with his b

h him and used her teeth to bite and tear him and once he realised that he was no match for her, he found a way to get

. These creatures were going to be the doom of werewolf like her and after seeing what they could do with her own two eyes, she could tell the

ure had nowhere else to run to so he pauses for a while, lookin

her sharp claws into his throat without mercy. She watched as blood poured out of his throat in satisfaction and swore to find out where the rest of

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