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Eugene Ari Darian

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1729    |    Released on: 15/09/2021

Ari Dar

scanned my surroundings, looking about the tiny shop which was a few miles from my studio, my sanct

ff their hinges. While the counter and coffee machines must have seen better days. It was really rusty but eve

stunned, not by her beauty but by how ridiculous she looked. She was frantic almost like she was late for something with a lit

se possibly straighter than a rule stood out. But her most noticeable features were her lips, plump and soft looking. I could see all these even from a distance, one of the perks o

ho said something I didn't care to catch, dressed in the shop work shirt which compromised of a floral design. She walked away, going to take a seat by the window. It looked to be the onl

I didn't let it get in my head. I glanced down at the piece of paper enveloped between my fingers, not sure of wha

houghts out of my head. It was ninety-five percent of what I thought of in a day. I would seem like a sex addict to a mer

up, I painted the day away and retired to my humble abode



ction in the mirror. My jet black hair refused to obey me so I left it messy. The ladies loved that which made it in my favor as I was go

to the name as it was for anyone in town. On their will, my eye

from behind her and she turne

urself," she flirted back

or sexy especially on a first date. It gave the impression that al

ontact me," she continued

onotone, taking a seat, hinting

deeply about yourself as it made you look mysteri

been working at the c

ropped her drink, givin

has it be

o for now. Not like I plan on making coffee for the rest of my life," she laughed

n't want to talk about yourself so why don't I tell

at to major in but as they say, you only live once right." She laughed "I'm just

or my taste but my current state after seeing her that dark, body-hugging, low cut, red dress wa

s possible between us. She was just as enthusiastic, aiming at my shirt and belt. She j

son," my voice was extremel

owly licked it up. The sour taste pouring out like a tap. Her

y which annoyed me. I wanted her wild and euph

en slowly down to her ass and squeezing it. A loud gasp filled

n*pple went in my mouth. My tongue rolled around it before biting softly on it. I moved

ager for something and I knew what it was, I just want

and it was evident with my hardened sh*ft. I was tempted to just t

ength and pinned me down. I wasn't pinned

leasure you've shown me today." Her vo

o match me hon," I smirked. I g

nfident plus I was eager t

low and hard, going all the way into my mouth and massaging my lips. Soft kisses were later pl

up to take my shaft, only half getting in. Hot saliva licked me slowly and I g

her mouth. She was able to take a little more and she did wonders

of me inside her. I didn't have to do anything. She had it covered, bopping up and down my sh*ft. I pumped happily inside of

more as her legs turned shaky. It was getting harder for her to ride me so I turned her arou

another universe. One with climax and ecstasy. Ou

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