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Bloody Twilight


Word Count: 2302    |    Released on: 15/09/2021


n me. She had managed to avoid the topic with me as much as she could, but I could still see the glar

shared. The warmth of her body had seeped into me as easily as sunlight breaking through glass. Even if it was sudden and totally unexpected, it was still special

Jhan’s their trust, Tia eyed me carefully before they drove off a few minutes ago. I was alone; Leya could

t to the edge, we a small forested area stretched out a distance. Dense human population ended

dn’t let her get too close to figure out my true nature. I had to at least talk to her. The longing I had for this

down the block. I got to her main door and was about knocking when the door opened from the inside. I stared into her ga

I spoke.

to say Kaldar, if it’s g

onsequences I may face for this. It made me want to forget about the fact that I was an amnesiac vam

My mums not at home and I

me off my balance as my legs

ere are w

the house and I

he smiled before unlocking the left front door to her red

the neighbourhood. I wasn’t ready, I barely knew enough about myself to risk entering the wor

?” She asked,

warmth of her car, the air in here was fragranced with orange scented air freshene

r away from my home. I closed my eyes and tried not to imagine Tia’s glare at me as we drove off. If what Jhan said was true, I had un

rn of colours. I gazed out to the streets, carefully taking in every inch of the environment before we drove b

with a smile, but nothing I had seen

like gazing at

have liked doin

t really sure

er vehicles before she stepped out and I did the same.

let’s ta


you might see something that

y streets made me feel like I had been there before. Birds fluttered above, cars honked noisily at others drivers, people walked all

s fixed on the wide smile that stretched from on

here, like I've alway

about? You’re not ke

y amnesia its best that I stayed aro

new her question meant no harm, but I couldn’t let

elp jog back some memories. So I'm living with her for the time.” Lying to Dawn like this, it made

rooped and I couldn’t help but feel the

more. I really only have a few memories of her, but the d

mad the other day she

couldn’t know that Dawn kne

ing on me?” I asked, keepin

ted to appear at her cheeks ag

u cared enough.” I eyed her carefully, a smal

other black benches, either deeps in conversations

barely knew me yet she had let me into her life. It was either she was foolish for doing so with a stranger, or she was a kind person who was also in love. Either one it was I was gr

asked, probably eager to steal the m

greens of the grass below, trying to relate any of what I was seeing to any memorie

back later,” She said, words of assu

because the smell of ordinary food was enough to throw my guts up to my throat, talk less of tasting it. She had insisted that I took a bite out of a bur

any large trees. I was beginning to understand her more and more, she wasn’t the type that usually made a lot of friends. She enjoyed reading novels and writing short poems. I made her pro

car and driving back to our town in perfect silence. She eased into the trees that cut of our town from the other town, I was about to ask

my thighs, sitting on me

lips slowly, her

” Tia’s warnings rang through my head like a bell, if I was going to put her at unknown risk at least

now how to explain what you

y as my fingers travelled under the soft cot

me again, but this ti

against her, I pressed her against the side of her car tightly. I had lifted

breath, even if it was just for this moment. The warmth from her breath flowed into my lungs, the scent of her of her hai

trail down her neck, the moon had settle

it was her voice tha

o hold the urge back. I groaned as I let go of her body, pressing the b

e had turned into one

ge electric tingle settling behind


through my head severally, each time I heard her voice it hit me like a mental spasm. This is what she was talking about.

n I saw the glint of red eyes. And soon enough, I could discern

is going

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