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Love Me As I Am

Chapter 8 Reactions

Word Count: 1888    |    Released on: 18/09/2021

am with the girls in

g is really fun..except for

y isn't it FL

going is English

to English c


want to go?" She a

and beckone

let's go or we'll

id as I stood up

s so dull and boring,"

at's not gonna

She smirked as we

idn't draw any atte

close to the window..an

appeared in front of the class.. Her mea

e's dull...mean peop

ately and I take back



slept in

uldn't make me


en stressful

with my laptop and phone to kee

I'm not in the mood

s I was on my laptop. Due to

s Sandra?

d the door slowly open

of the

e yelled with h

?" I

ght?" She asked with

y that o

," She said a

ver knocked," I s

s not going to last," She

she alway

," I sat as I sat

ng but I interrupte

d for it to be carried out. You have to get ma

I yelled and c

need this

married to their so

hat will succeed the

d adopt a boy and make

an sense to yo

t of my room," I said and she

asked and she stopp

st please agree to it," S

a knock came fro

my room is everyo

ushed me to open

ndra smiling and holdin

r Luke," She said an

you by your name, please forgi

u, please come in," I s

e room and kept th

r," She said and hurried out,

," I said and she nodded

her I feel at eas

ood and she has been our maid from l

d plays a lot but as my mom di

f my strict father...she got so

she was a bit shy becau

a sh

he stopped. I know her go well to

?" I asked an

er dazzling eyes almost

me that way?" She aske

that I was reall

said and she shrug

r could be heard. We were both silent and shockingly a

stare into her eyes forever and

ed," She asked with he

t know,

She sa

," I said and took my la

be lucky,"

you know her?" She as

s and found out that

t know,

id and looke

plates," She said an

ever leave h

She muttered

my bed facin

p, what sh

get marri

is so


e's room, I went to the kitchen and started wa

ke salmon for me,

I said with a

an't I contr


am fine

to me, then she made me turn

rong but don't let Luke see you

me cry, he doesn't like t

here" Mr Howard said

then?" Lu

to meet," His dad

," Mr Howa

the living room and I continued wit

But what about my

for that," Said Luke


ind me and I jumped onl

eart attack," I sa

white pants and a

I'm still wondering if he

said stretching neck to

smiled and turn


rgue," I said and he l

was done and I carried

I walked back to the kitch

e her," He said and I

" Luke said and I p

She said a

married, whether you l

Luke his, but when I hea

ants something h

is way anytime t

ght of Luke getting married filled my head.

ickly bent to pick it up to

get hurt," Luke yelled

n't notice when it pierced into my

d up pulled out a

me up an

salmon, I'll take care

self," He said and w

time, we have to


ossible," H

lled with fire in his ey

ke is s

rolled his eyes

alking, and we

ater came back wi

bed and starte

t it be," He said

sniffed and he

e seeing my family cry,"

is family nothi

cut. Now we were talking about

d my ankle and you carried m

ke a cab or call the drive

ou say so

hurt badly," He s

you tell m

walked with th

l not fair

to take all your pains away. I just can't st

sleep here?

nk that's a good i

a drive m

etty please

ay, you can do anythi

get to tell me what to

," I

d carried a blanke

n the bed and he used t

aring at him face for

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