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My Demon

Chapter 5 Supplying a demon

Word Count: 3985    |    Released on: 17/09/2021

ok on her face that day, which, to tell the truth, was quite scary-. “You know, if you continue with that look in your f

er when she saw how the waiters were trembling in one of the corners of the coffee shop, as if they were a

ryone”, she said with a quiet laugh, earning an enraged

both hands on the table, slamming them down hard on the wood, standing up quickly

r indignantly at what the artist had said. Instead, she simply tensed up at what the black-eyed woman wit

ed her eyes and breathed in as much air as her lungs would allow her to store, and with a soft sigh she sat down in her seat to deny. “Ah... forgive me Akane, I'm sorry, really... It's just that...” She said with some difficulty, not knowing what to say in a natural way that didn't sound like a lie. “I haven't been sle

let her friend rest, and the artist knew it, when she saw the small gestures of her best friend as she had both elbows resting on the table, and her head

knew very well that her friend could get all the information she wanted out of her, but the tanned skinned girl just folde

understanding what the girl was referring to, and pulled h

en she realised what she was saying and the gesture of concern and doubt that the redhead one was making, she s

then she smiled. “Well, since you don't want to tell me what's going on with you, at least buy me coffee, besides~...” She paused briefly and the

a strong crimson hue. The japanese female began to laugh loudly, causing the waiters to look at th

uldn't have been more embarrassed, the dark-eyed

d, it's been a while since I've laughed so hard, not even at Curt's stupidity.... Well,” her gaze returned to the tanned

You see, it's a bit more complicated to explain,” she said with nervousness in her voice, causing her frien

id she know what she was going to talk about? Did she know she was referring to the demon? “He's not a lucky one, she's a lucky one, isn't she?” She said, closing her eyes and taking the

ered what had happened that week, or what she had been going through for weeks. No one could imagine it. “Ah... I don't have

she asked in exasperation at her friend

assment at what the redhead girl was saying. «For God's sa

egan to clatter on the surface of the table, nervously and with an insistent look towards the artist, “Come o

were very present in her, anger for the damned person, or rather, demon that had given her those marks. And, above all,

ng her gaze wander to a dead spot in the room. The snowy-skinned girl understood instantly, and with a sad expression she was silent fo

completely silent, one with a blank stare and a hint of emptiness in her eyes, the

head girl thought sadly as she saw that empty look in the

een both for the girl with the beautiful blue

describe what she felt with those

friend nodded, and they both smiled again at the same time. So, -after the now, more calm- waiter gave them the bill to pay, they got up and hugged each other. One because she

º º

isit with him. But thanks to Akane, the memories I had spent in each place with Orfeo became a blur. Well, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about hi

new it, we were already in Akane's car, r

as I opened the passenger door, though I was s

she grabbed my arm making me turn my face in her direction. “If you need anything or tell me anything at all, you know I'm here f

ehind me and watched Akane drive away, after that, I walked towards the

demon locked in my room, who won't stop attacking me at the slightest carelessness. The first reason was because she would probab

mother, who had a big smile on her face. I reciprocated the tender gesture and smiled in

so we hugged again as we had just done a few moments before. I loved these little moments with

for the nearest station that could take me to Queens. After long minutes on the train, I made it to my district and after a while walking

formed on my shoulder, causing my eyes to roll in exasperation. “Yes, welcome my angio

ed that my mother would still be late in coming and soon growled noticeably. “Forget it," I whispered c

game, and never better said, because if I let this demon catch me it wouldn't take long for him to eat me, “Tom, stay fucking still,” I shouted at him, scurryi

t seemed that my mother had a radar to know where I was and how I was doing. I started to go to my room, talking pleasantly with my m

done anything to myself, I just thought I saw a cockroach, but it was just my imaginati

in in relief, and I just laughed. I knew she was good at guessing,

t she was also making the same gesture as I was-. “Well, I'm going upstairs to get some rest. Today has been a very busy

l me, okay?” She said in that soft, lov

shop”. And so my mother said goodbye once more and hung up the phone as it was

rprised me. «What's he up to now?» I thought with a grimace and arched an eyebrow and then shrugged. “Well, the longer he's g

I fell, suddenly opened as I felt strong arms wrap around my waist again, I slowly opened my eyelids amaze and averted my gaze, seeing how I was leaning against a burly chest

turned around and rested my hands on his chest. I frowned at the teasing, mischievous smile he was giving me and tried to pull

ou know how uncomfortable it is when they keep asking me who's doing this to me?!” I growled pointing at the clear mark of the crim

had been paralyzed by a single one of the demon, who h

o stop struggling. The warmth of that body and those soft and thin lips that had never separated from mine, with that simple touch... made my whole body reac

º º

e was in the world of humans, of course it wasn't only for that reason that he did it -and he didn't plan to tell the girl-, he also did i

e had to be supplied by the person who had summoned him, at least for a short period of time - or quite a while if s

ade before, which... had not been to his liking

d not resist his touch and so, his large hands began to slowly caress the other's back. Making both bodies feel the heat and friction more noticeably - especially when

her cheeks. A peaceful but serene expression that somehow seemed to relax him. An

e brunette one, faced with that situation, couldn't help but open her eyes in surprise. Her gaze was averted, and she abruptly pulled

his shoulder and his neck, at the same time that he

ay, she kept in a loose ponytail. «How comfortable...» She thought, letting herself be caressed b

er reacting to his thought with a slight hint of annoyance, although he couldn't deny that being that way with the girl, gave him a relaxing sensation. «Even though the pact is sealed at last,

ing him smile slyly. “That smells good~,” she whispered when sh

very time I read your thoughts, you have a lot more things you want. Sadly, you only have one soul, you only have one body and you can only be offered one wish,” he

g the misfortunes that had happened to her in so few years, and then there was the demon,

es. And then there was her, with a pronounced blush and her brow noticeably furrowed, as the jet-haired one had taken advantage of

was already becoming a normal day and that w

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1 Chapter 1 PROLOGUE2 Chapter 2 JUST ANOTHER DAY3 Chapter 3 Let's remember4 Chapter 4 Evocation5 Chapter 5 Supplying a demon6 Chapter 6 It's just a deal7 Chapter 7 This is Tom8 Chapter 8 Double date... and an unwanted encounter 9 Chapter 9 Closer to my goal10 Chapter 10 A journalist's perspective11 Chapter 11 Caught in the act12 Chapter 12 Explanations13 Chapter 13 Sweet pleasure14 Chapter 14 Distancing... and punishment 15 Chapter 15 The talk16 Chapter 16 The taboo subject17 Chapter 17 The confrontation and the fox18 Chapter 18 A monster and a hero19 Chapter 19 Whispers in the night20 Chapter 20 Investigation and fighting21 Chapter 21 Sentence to the devil22 Chapter 22 Looking for solutions23 Chapter 23 Day of fun and forgiveness24 Chapter 24 Strange events25 Chapter 25 Tears of an angel26 Chapter 26 Reconciliation27 Chapter 27 Discovered feelings28 Chapter 28 Doubts and confession29 Chapter 29 An explanation... again30 Chapter 30 A date31 Chapter 31 Punishment32 Chapter 32 Sad separation33 Chapter 33 Taking flowers to the cemetery34 Chapter 34 Questions35 Chapter 35 Finally together36 Chapter 36 One crazy day37 Chapter 37 Meetings and night of passion (1)38 Chapter 38 Meetings and night of passion (2)39 Chapter 39 A rich boy's thoughts40 Chapter 40 The voice of my dreams41 Chapter 41 Back to the investigation42 Chapter 42 Premonitions43 Chapter 43 The game begins44 Chapter 44 Kidnapping45 Chapter 45 Promises (1)46 Chapter 46 Promises (2)47 Chapter 47 The challenge (1)48 Chapter 48 The challenge (2)49 Chapter 49 The battle (1)50 Chapter 50 The battle (2)51 Chapter 51 The battle (3)52 Chapter 52 The power53 Chapter 53 Rest in peace54 Chapter 54 End of the pact55 Chapter 55 A talk between demons