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The vampire world

Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 18/09/2021

and twenty y

lla Mo

day and now it has come to a realization. I had

dered myself as been short. I have unique obsidian eyes which I got from my mother.

5:30 pm. In thirty minutes the auction guards would be on their way to every human's house well if you could call it house. I never

ide my tiny room and sat besi

the back and tried to console me. No

ld off tonight, to the vampires.

me. "You won't die as long as you obey them. I was once

tten? huh! they killed daddy and took Annabella away." if sh

e away. Please mother"I begged he

etty daughter. This is our fate, our destiny. "S

cling to my mother's clothing to stop her from going to

hear my mother greeting the

t to the auction that's is taking place tonigh

then everyone would pr

iella! Gabriella! "My mother called my n

calling till

the guard was in my room. I looked up to him

time to go now," he sai

l you" I threatened. The man raised a br

ed a man twi

hed me outside the room. "I'm

nd that confirmed she wasn't going to help

out but the guard was too strong. "Mum, mummy, mummy"I shouted but I was al

ly or you won't last a day in your

e me a long look before entering the driv

ands of the bloodsucking monsters. They took us from our homes and sell us to the royals or vampires who were rich enough to bid on us as

he auction house to be sold as blood, pleasure, or house slaves. They cal

They are doing it for their good, they just want us to multiply, and getting married w

that night was still vivid in my memory. I could remember how my dad slumped to the ground as they drain

when the car door opened and the

side the auction house. It was a skyscraper of no more than ten floors. The guard dragged me inside the building and took me inside th

treat a lady fool" I ye

t expecting h

rs girly or you

really stupid rig

mpires. The girls were separated from the boys. I didn't sit but stand in a corner to look into the faces of everyone. The boys were unhappy while most of th

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