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Dark Rose

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1941    |    Released on: 24/09/2021

o drop Crystabel off and speed like a mad woman to the office. I

s cause my aunty still scared of my mental health didn't like the idea of me going

reached out to me and were ready to pay alot to get it. K2 made my career possible and I also made

actress,she has perfect skin one you would argue that it has never seen the sun. She prefers

tall woman like her mother Livy and even without the heels she is a good


to yo

ake a moment to digest this you

nch her stom

d you ba

put her school life on a hold cause all the funds were going to my hospital bills. Quinn had always wanted to be a lawyer ever since we were kids.

ade sure she travelled out t

me patting her face. She would retouc

e you at hom

dn't loose my vir

ment dryly referring to her boy

and I am 23 I have this motherly instinct it all started with Crystabe

d late.'I c

I am he

late?' she check

ur and twenty

lready'. I am moving fast to the

k observing me 'You look good.' she r

ee,oh add seven minu

she wanted to work as my secretary part


hour ago,so you ar

m,I am late and I hate being late what mu

nn says to my back 'Go do what you do best,let's go home a

pirit'. I say

g at my comment 'You

er,at least my da


y and when he got angry and couldn't vent he became frustrated.

spacious and the cool colours fit perfectly with the tiles. He had a feeling the owner would be one hell of an organ

o five, something he had learnt from his f

breath,this woman knew what to wear and when she smiled he fell ten times in love with her. Travis noted she was a beautiful woman,he had checked the internet last night like a mad man, looking for photographs of he

She didn't look ugly at all. When he hadn't been able to

ifts his gaze to Malory his friend Gideon was crazy about this one who wouldn't be crazy ab

had met had eyes and legs like her,he watches her sit down admiring her hands sh

ine her naked with only that jewelry. looking at her only three ch

an angel out of a romance book. He looked at her legs and smiled when he


s description did not prepare me for this man,this man is beautiful. He is looking at me,baring

l face,he has one stubborn hair touching his brows and my hands itch to push it back. His mouth,th

k at him with pleading eyes and my brain is fuzzy. I don't know what I am begging him for a

alizing the looks fixed on me,damn it,I am the la

iting Eva'. Tra

cs today I think frowning. Blame it in my scattered thoughts and hormones, no blame it on this man

adopting the first name thing.

thinking I might have lost it,news flash I have. Q

l music you play so you can have a sexy dream of a prin

I fear I like

e him, anything to wipe that grin off his

to business


into the hot water,I sigh once I get t

ated on the toilet seat, Quinn is s

e you are still angry,you we

at her. 'Dont you dare start with me. You dressed me up,refu

alling off the toilet seat.'Dont b

ld have wanted,I had ignored Aunty Livy and had gone h

. 'You and Quinn pack up and go live

,I fear I

in circles. 'It was so romantic,you shou


he liked you o- my- God.' she joins Qu

a towel around me. 'Dont you know

mean such a fine,rich m

ry. 'We are under the water right now and Aunty

as enough money to

port Malory,but no

ng to be around for a while to help with the security issues,our computer system is wack and security a to

uns the best security company in the state and this year his company

eeting too. Aunty Livy seems

uinn look at

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