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CEO's Crush

CEO's Crush

Author: XossNaomi

Chapter 1 Reckless Driver

Word Count: 809    |    Released on: 27/09/2021


I held my stomach as i got out of the bed and I tiptoed to the kitchen to prepare a

y, she so mercilessly hate me that she doesn't give me foo

my abdomen and no one car

did two part time job to assist myself in school. And N

e with her ,when i

et me stay with her since the burden would be too much for her to handle with five kids

ed her, i never knew

f been pampered by her, sh

house chores and rarely

to prepare a simple home

sighed. Hope this subside soon, I have a lot of work today. my aunt's children were all l

chool, I have moved around this city, se

ust my bad luck others gained the position, and gw

for today. After getting dress, I leave the house with

y hand quickly scrolled for Maria's number and dialed it... It was ringi

rling? Wat'

are frustrated buddies, cry together, laughed together but the only

re's Mariah?"

r "she went home to see her dad, I

re going to look for a job today and this tim

st have to take a quick bath

d the call, ti

gry so I decided t

he line, before I got to my t

house quicker than

ss me and splashed the muddy water on my dress

realize he splashed me with muddy water? "Stop!" I continued... My soul, hea

sharp stone from the ground, closed one eye slightly and threw it at his car with a full force. Waiting for the outcome, I stand still

my face and tried to walk plain out of here. I'm damn dead. My father didn't afford this till


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